Monday, August 13, 2007


Duration: 510 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-09 20:09:38
User: Quirkydude
:::: Favorites

Eric talks with Daniele in HOH room

Dennis Kucinich on YouTube

Duration: 127 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-06 16:00:54
User: EmergencyCheese
:::: Favorites

Look who posted a response!! One in a series of videos about the 2008 Presidential candidates using YouTube as a campaign tool. A link to Congressman Kucinich's channel is listed under "Channels I'm Watching."

groens ::: Favorites
KUCINICH HAS MY VOTE!!! (& my contribution)
07-06-04 17:22:59
HoldenCaulfield10 ::: Favorites
great video! Kucinich 2008! he's the only true candidate!
07-06-05 19:41:20
museumbone ::: Favorites
whoa guy, you missed the boat. It's not about camera angles and wheter he's sitting or not....His strongest assest is his wife. She's smokin'. He oughta drag her everywhere and let her mug for the cameras. Who would you rather hear talkin peace, humpty dumpty or the red-headed hottie from England? Who knows, if Dennis Kucinich can marry her maybe peace between the Sunnis and Shiites is also a possibility.
07-06-25 09:19:11
caltemps ::: Favorites
A critic of this video wrote that it deals with irrelevant trifles and doesn't address Kucinich' politics. Surely this is the whole point? EmergencyCheese isn't a political adviser, he's giving Dennis pointers on how to come across better to YouTubers.
07-06-30 03:12:05
caltemps ::: Favorites
And will people stop saying that Kucinich doesn't stand a chance? None of the Dem Party big guns bothered to run in '92, because it was OBVIOUS that Bush snr. was going to get reelected. so an unknown no-hoper from Arkansas decided that he might as well give it a try. Of course, you've never even HEARD of Bill Clinton... It's no-hopers who are the hope of the future. And Kucinich LISTENS to people. This isn't an isolated fluke.
07-06-30 03:12:42
fedeman2 ::: Favorites
it's a shame he has no chance of winning
07-07-02 13:15:14
cholotara ::: Favorites
When I started working for McGovern nobody thought he could win the nomination. He did.
07-07-05 06:49:49
jasonsadventure ::: Favorites
"A little Kucinich goes a long way!?" OMG James, you're such a suck-up. But I'm wondering if you've considered the question, a long way... where? But what the h#ll, you're contributing to the dialog which is vastly more than the vast majority (sucking-up notwithstanding).
07-07-08 18:28:39
textforpeace ::: Favorites
We all need to do our part to demand peace now. Dennis Kucinich asks every American to text the word PEACE, from any mobile phone, to the number 73223, the numeric spelling for p-e-a-c-e. Tell the White House you do not support the war and bring our troops home!
07-07-23 19:12:34
theresesmallcuteyjf ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-03 18:43:23

BB7 Three's Company - Episode One

Duration: 101 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-01 23:41:26
User: TheRealDeal2006
:::: Favorites

"Spool Of Lies"

Human Skeleton

Duration: 38 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-14 13:09:41
User: charlestrippy
:::: Favorites

"dude, I should get on top of you!" wtf? with: Benny B & Eggly Bagel face Music: Kevin MacLeod _______ New video are posted a few days in advance before they're on youtube at: _______ Click below to have sneakpeak videos sent to your email before they're on youtube!

xashleyxisxhardcorex ::: Favorites
haha. and I have the shirt with the ribcage
07-07-10 03:38:33
JAYK876 ::: Favorites
Misfits kick ass
07-07-10 22:39:33
SoulBarrage ::: Favorites
Put your shirt over his head..
07-07-15 20:01:04
sl01192 ::: Favorites
Haha. This is one of my favorites.
07-07-19 00:36:11
EvansL ::: Favorites
yeah i've got the one with the skeleton hands on the front and they look like their grabbing my boobs.
07-07-19 16:51:48
sunkissedangeluv ::: Favorites
I think Charles' friend should put his head in the botom part of charles shirt. That woulda worked out better hehe.
07-07-22 21:15:24
Goobadude ::: Favorites
Deep inside you know there's something wrong with this world, but you're not sure what it is, or who's to hold responsible. That's because they don't want you to know. There's a war on for your mind. Infowars (dot) com Prisonplanet (dot) com Fight the good fight.
07-08-09 09:26:30
warmerdamk ::: Favorites
07-08-10 02:17:35
zoidums ::: Favorites
youre awsome! :) hilarious
07-08-10 10:49:26
AmDes ::: Favorites
hahaahah i totally didnt get it until the second time because the first time i thought that it had something to do with that one guy scratching himself LMAO thats funny stuff
07-08-10 23:10:00

Mitt Romney Tent

Duration: 56 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-11 15:35:35
User: EmergencyCheese
:::: Favorites

In and around the massive Mitt Romney area at the Iowa Straw Poll.

JoeySnowman ::: Favorites
Congratulations for doing a great job in the straw poll, Romney fans! moveoverdotorg I loved your video on the ronpaulspammers. Priceless!
07-08-11 22:00:12
machphantom ::: Favorites
All that means is that 91.9% didn't google his name before they came to IA. I can't wait till NH, cause 9.1% is a very strong number to start with, esp. with his cash on hand.
07-08-11 22:07:36
Luckyjat ::: Favorites
I love the end "mitt romney of course stands for things like farming, windmill, ice cream, balloons of some kind, and the american flag." Amazing! He's got my vote!
07-08-11 22:54:14
klm541 ::: Favorites
Iowa Straw Poll Faulty voting Machines. Princeton University finds Diebold electronic voting machines, like those used at Iowa Straw Poll and around the country, easily Hacked for fraudulent results. youtube(dot)com/watch?v=8JESZiLpBLE youtube(dot)com/watch?v=lwWP-N1HqT0 "Votes mean nothing; counting them means everything" -- Joseph Stalin
07-08-11 23:28:29
bjalder26 ::: Favorites
moveoverdotorg, there is a measure of unorganized amorphous-its youtube spam. Ron Paul wins in a landslide.
07-08-12 01:52:42
GameGeek1996 ::: Favorites
Hey guys this is great news and a great victory for Paul. Romney must have spent 500-1200 a vote where Paul probably spent less then 30 a vote since some Romney voters voted for Paul and the others on Romney's dime. We are going to win. Waved signs yesterday in Conroe TX and went to a meetup it was great. When you can have a rabid far left liberal, a crazy Rigth wing fanatic, and a middle of the road financial moderate in one room all agreeing on Ron Paul.
07-08-12 08:51:11
BusPeople ::: Favorites
I think you answered your own question
07-08-12 08:58:13
Adelaide1200 ::: Favorites
The Romney campaign was clearly disappointed withe the voter turn out and final percentage win. The money spent did garner the support given.
07-08-12 09:09:40
plc1 ::: Favorites
Article on Mitt: w w w .counterpunch. org/fantina08112007. html
07-08-12 14:42:18
y2knoproblem ::: Favorites
A good 18 months out, who is really paying attention.
07-08-12 17:10:05

Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) Phone Call - First Attempt

Duration: 103 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-09 12:30:13
User: IraqSummer
:::: Favorites

Phone call reminder inviting Congresswoman Wilson (R-NM) to Take a Stand Day on August 28th at Continuing Education Auditorium

Jordan Maxwell -Basic Slideshow Presentation part 4/13

Duration: 582 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 08:03:04
User: teabowbraine
:::: Favorites

Jordan Maxwell -Basic Slideshow Presentation (Hidden Symbols) done in 1990. It covers all of the occult (hidden) symbols of the Illuminati as used in organized crime, religious institutions, governmental seals, corporate logos, national coats of arms, and especially occult freemasonry operating behind the Vatican. An extraordinary presentation which helped me start to understand who is behind the new world order.


Duration: 326 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-06 12:19:35
User: sussmayer
:::: Favorites


iamadamsusername ::: Favorites
07-07-02 02:12:27
jandyrainbow ::: Favorites
Thanks for posting this
07-07-24 01:21:02
yodalantern ::: Favorites
BIG THANKS FOR POSTING... "Annunaki" and "Planet X".
07-08-06 22:41:35

FCNL Supports Biden

Duration: 25 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 23:42:38
User: IraqSummer
:::: Favorites

FCNL Staff refer to Biden's recent comments during the lecture and training session geared towards mobilizing Delawareans to rise up against Mike Castle.

電車でGO! 高速編3000番台 京浜東北線 part3

Duration: 217 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-23 03:32:49
User: chiba1218
:::: Favorites

電車でGO! 高速編3000番台 京浜東北線 209系 横浜~品川 All station "GREAT"

20070719完全娛樂 完娛夏令營 我要變成硬柿子 Part3/5

Duration: 589 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-21 13:40:16
User: tszkin2004
:::: Favorites

CC-By Tszkin2004 轉貼請註明Tszkin2004剪輯

Back in the Saddle Again

Duration: 288 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-02 18:24:02
User: jenluv37
:::: Favorites

Winners of the March of Dimes mini-contest: Musosf Subscriber of the month for May: AffairWithGravity Somehow I missed the second f in affair, so make sure you add that in if you search for her. Or just click the link above. Amanda Mandible- Click if you dare!: Thanks for sticking with me, my friends. Things should get rollin' again in the next 2 weeks. Yay! Mad love! Jen

thaggis72112 ::: Favorites
That was one of the best update type videos I have ever seen. Energetic, entertaining and full of heart. You pretty much rock. It sounds like this might be the place to be for the summer. That video was like a little ray of sunshine, best wishes, Tom.
07-06-06 15:54:20
dave374000 ::: Favorites
Happy birthday. You are the youngest looking 29-year-old I've ever seen. Just a guess - you get carded a lot when you go to bars/nightclubs.
07-06-08 17:01:39
WyomingWild ::: Favorites
You are adorable!
07-06-09 00:15:13
Caveman6c ::: Favorites
07-06-27 18:02:38
TearsInRainLovesInk ::: Favorites
Woot im famous. Thanks for props Jen. And yes my name is in refernce to my love of tattoo's specially from your husband. Your videos rock.
07-06-28 14:41:21
simondulwich ::: Favorites
Dammit, this just proves that youtube really sucks.
07-07-05 17:13:41
devilchild616 ::: Favorites
I've been just watching loads of her videos... well all 9!
07-07-08 06:16:21
blkbishop112 ::: Favorites
You are just so cute, and have a wonderful smile.
07-07-15 11:23:11
thaggis72112 ::: Favorites
This was the first video of yours I watched, I was trying to remember if I commented or not, then I looked up and I guess I did comment. I'll just let that comment stand, I can be a little forgetful at times, take care, Tom.
07-07-27 17:18:27
BigFatBetty ::: Favorites
I didn't miss you at all, babe. Keep the huggy stuff to a minimum. Thanks. harumph.
07-08-10 19:26:52

Vote For Howie! Howie Masturbates In Cabana Box

Duration: 354 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-07 21:01:46
User: TheRealDeal2006
:::: Favorites

Cabana Box Follies

aldav ::: Favorites
the infamous Jack Shack
06-06-09 10:25:08
8394147 ::: Favorites
Hahah. Good edit.
06-06-10 00:50:04
jkygogo ::: Favorites
Hi, did this happen this year? or 2005? Thanks.
06-07-10 23:36:55
TheRealDeal2006 ::: Favorites
It happened last season.
06-07-13 05:17:44
jkygogo ::: Favorites
how many times did this happen? Has it happened this year? Thanks.
06-07-13 19:40:28
MistaMef36 ::: Favorites
hahaha funny shit
06-07-18 00:18:18
jazzythebird ::: Favorites
OMG, that is tooo funny... it will live in infamy for ever..... Much to Howie's shame... or is it pleasure????? LOL
07-07-26 01:48:13
nishell3200 ::: Favorites
i dont get it ?
07-08-10 09:49:58

Tales Of Canvassing Rep. Tim Murphy's Neighborhood

Duration: 110 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-08 18:58:48
User: IraqSummer
:::: Favorites

Iraq Summer volunteer recounts being accosted my Rep. Murphy's (R-PA) wife during a yard sign canvass.

我要變成硬柿子 第三集 Part 1/5

Duration: 567 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-19 12:27:42
User: tszkin2004
:::: Favorites

CC-By Tszkin2004 轉貼請註明Tszkin2004剪輯 請網速低過384kbps的朋友要稍等 本影片是以384kbps的速度製作的高清影片 製作質素參差的影片,本人絕不放上來 質素的要求最少讓觀賞者看得到、看得清楚

TaBSHiFtz ::: Favorites
thx alot!
07-07-20 03:04:01

Gol de Pavel Pardo

Duration: 22 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-11 01:07:53
User: edenyou
:::: Favorites

gol de paver pardo contra el shalke 04 en el inicio de temporada de la bundesliga

Richmond Filibuster Warner on July 17th 2007

Duration: 132 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 02:28:38
User: IraqSummer
:::: Favorites

Richmond Counter-Filibuster by Veterans and Citizens along with IraqSummer and demand Sen. John Warner stop obstructing a responsible end to the Iraq war.

dottieh99 ::: Favorites
Thank you for bringing us this account of the war from the viewpoint of an someone who was there, an Iraq vet. There are many more vets like him that have similar stories. Their voices need to be heard!!
07-07-21 21:31:18


Duration: 331 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-02 23:04:02
User: flower12ddd001
:::: Favorites


BB6 USA Kaysar Voted Back America's Choice

Duration: 507 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-11 16:22:38
User: TheRealDeal2006
:::: Favorites

BB6 USA Kaysar Voted Back America's Choice

ナンバ壱番館 YOU 6

Duration: 315 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 10:06:42
User: flower12ddd001
:::: Favorites


電車でGO!プロフェッショナル仕様 特急にちりんシーガイヤ787系

Duration: 4 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-09 08:31:53
User: chiba1218
:::: Favorites


Sunderland's Season 2006/07

Duration: 216 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-16 12:38:32
User: mc93safc
:::: Favorites

**Yes I know about the error near the start! Thanks to ANDYSAFC85** I made this in one night when I was bored, I thought I might aswell put it on here. Song: Elevation - U2

FUTURAMAFAN101 ::: Favorites
cool video SAFC keano's red and write army
07-06-30 19:59:40
keyrann ::: Favorites
Great Vid, Sunderland Till I Die, FTM, Niall and Keano's red and white army. Ill tell u my prediction for da next season; Sunderland to get a top half finish (ahead of scumcastle)
07-07-03 15:29:54
waynetee2k6 ::: Favorites
mag bastards goin down fat sam dont make is laugh bragin you have signd barton nd viduka 1 idiot and 1 fat bassa mag scum FTM or great video and all =D
07-07-05 16:59:12
Mightyblackcats ::: Favorites
the greatest team in the world!!!!
07-07-18 13:39:36
mizzluci ::: Favorites
a wudnt go dat far
07-07-24 16:30:05
fluke67 ::: Favorites
neither would i, but there is a different buzz now, beautiful feeling, this time we'll beat the 2 scummiest teams in the premier league 1) newcastle 2) chelsea SAFC 2-1 SCUM SCUM 1-1 SAFC SAFC 1-0 Chelsea Chelsea 1-1 SAFC
07-07-25 10:34:07
isko91e798 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for sex related stuff. I like the website _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ -isko91e798
07-08-04 07:26:02
mc93safc ::: Favorites
Who said it was?
07-08-04 08:41:14
raj12z712 ::: Favorites
Try <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B> for naughty webcam girls -raj12z712
07-08-10 07:33:38
minprettybroadvz ::: Favorites
Find a hot date at >>>> FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <<<<
07-08-10 16:16:07

Bautista vs De leon Rnd1

Duration: 237 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-12 00:16:41
User: pnoyboxer
:::: Favorites

Boxing World Cup

Italydischarge590 ::: Favorites
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07-08-12 17:58:13
yoacheckit ::: Favorites
de leon actually threw some straight punches
07-08-12 18:27:51
pmcard2000 ::: Favorites
boom use more of ur brain and not ur power!!! still young!!! diane be PROFESSIONAL!!! OH SHIT!!!
07-08-12 20:29:04
considerablyPRO835 ::: Favorites
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07-08-12 22:24:22
jozcastro ::: Favorites
putang ina niya mexicano we still won beaner bitch
07-08-12 22:51:40
ShayneaboardChr593 ::: Favorites
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07-08-12 23:11:50
tiePat598 ::: Favorites
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07-08-12 23:42:05
nparilla ::: Favorites
Do you know how it feels like to loose a girlfriend? It hurts bigtime! Aw!
07-08-13 00:39:53
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07-08-13 00:42:25
vitoyz ::: Favorites
beantong19..putangina mo gago
07-08-13 01:13:14