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Duration: 204 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-22 17:14:29 User: wwetnaecw :::: Favorites |
- upon request Dave blaney gets turned in the tri-oval at Tally flips halfway then slams the wall on the roof!! |
Comments | |
tubularlyradical ::: Favorites cool, first view, first comment 07-04-22 17:48:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
SKracing ::: Favorites 1998 spring race at 'Dega...I remember watching this race live. I think Dave crashed out of 5 of the first 7 races he ran that season...back then, if you'd have asked me to predict who of the Busch competitors would be a regular in Cup a decade later, Blaney would have been right near the bottom of the list. 07-04-22 18:09:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
rusty2 ::: Favorites that race was like the busch race from talladega in 2002 with a few cars having no damage. 07-04-22 19:01:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
gadgefan48 ::: Favorites Talladega tore up a lot of race cars that weekend w/ Earnhardt and Elliott's bad crash the next day. 07-04-22 19:04:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
MayoNeverDies ::: Favorites I love BP's reaction at the start. 07-04-22 22:22:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
wolves16 ::: Favorites Blaney goes in roof first ... and walks away. Amazing. 07-05-19 15:03:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
wumbct ::: Favorites can anybody do the aarons 312 busch race of 2003 with replays and incar views? 07-05-29 23:59:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
gth804f ::: Favorites Was anyone injured in this crash? 07-06-17 02:41:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
fwayndo1 ::: Favorites wow he is sooo lucky the roll cage held up, thats a great thing how strong they build the roll cages now. 07-06-21 15:54:00 _____________________________________________________ |
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Dave Blaney Talladega Flip
LIBBY: Scooter sentenced to 30 months in prison
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Duration: 151 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-05 19:55:16 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
Marcy Wheeler reports from outside the Courthouse in DC where Scooter Libby was sentenced to 30 months in prison on June 5, 2007 |
Comments | |
johnh926 ::: Favorites I just did! I learned! 1. politics before priciples 2. power before ethics 3. pandering buys votes 4. Scapegoats and witch hunts = justice 5. Blow Job perjury is legal 6. Classified docs in your pants is just a "whoops" and 7. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault. Did I miss anything? 07-06-21 13:47:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
laleeloolelo ::: Favorites Apparently you missed: 1. Preemptive strike on bad intel is bad 2. Stubbornness is not a principle 3. Perjury to obstruct justice is WORSE than perjury about a blowjob 4. Following the will of the people isn't pandering 5. You still haven't learned ANYTHING 07-06-21 14:20:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
johnh926 ::: Favorites I guess you will always be a lib--can't save everyone. Course I understand that...The left on the other hand will probably try to create a govt program TO save everyone and tax the crap out of everyone else to make it FAIR and EQUITABLE since it's not their fault. 07-06-21 16:22:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
johnh926 ::: Favorites It's been a pleasure debating with you with out getting personal. You Tube needs more liberals like you. John. 07-06-21 16:24:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
laleeloolelo ::: Favorites Thank you John. If you choose to stay believing in Bush that is your choice and i respect you for it. But next time a president from whatever affiliation say America should attack another country for whatever reason you remember our little discussion so you won't be fooled again. 07-06-22 02:02:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
schoonero ::: Favorites Help me figure this out. Sandy Berger stole classified documents and destroyed them in his office and was fined. Scooter basically told the truth about how Wilson ended up in Niger and he's doing time? I guess justice depends on which party you support. 07-06-28 09:34:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
laleeloolelo ::: Favorites "Scooter basically told the truth about how Wilson ended up in Niger and he's doing time?" He DIDN'T tell the truth, which is why he is convicted of PERJURY. As for Berger i agree that he should get more than just a fine. 07-06-30 02:18:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
UncleRico13 ::: Favorites Scooter Libby won't serve a day in jail! If you haven't realized by now that this current regime has no respect for the constitution or any sense of accountablity then you are completely naive. They have successfully circumvented the checks and balances. Welcome to rule by oligarchy! The sad thing is, you WON'T do anything but talk about it when it happens! 07-07-02 18:55:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
keygbay ::: Favorites Paris Hilton got a tougher sentence than Scooter Libby! 07-07-02 22:31:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
laleeloolelo ::: Favorites Fortunately Paris Hilton doesn't work for Cheney. 07-07-05 00:48:52 _____________________________________________________ |
18禁不禁 第13集 (1 of 9)
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Duration: 291 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-25 15:25:26 User: icefishyuna :::: Favorites |
18禁不禁 第13集 (1 of 9) |
Comments | |
azndramagirl ::: Favorites thanks soo much for the uploads :) i've been looking for the rest of the show and finally found them! 07-07-27 01:30:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
hiropiGirl ::: Favorites thank you so much!@! i went all over to find ep 13.. ^^ haha 07-07-27 19:59:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
asiangrl520 ::: Favorites thx so muchh i've lookin 4 a long timeeeee 07-07-28 00:02:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
mandyprg ::: Favorites Thank you so much! 07-07-29 19:34:17 _____________________________________________________ |
Pustość, widzę pustość ...
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Duration: 364 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-19 17:16:46 User: GrzesiooTV2 :::: Favorites |
Doda w Maglu towarzyskim TVN Style 19062007 |
Comments | |
ermijo ::: Favorites Glupia suka 07-07-21 17:45:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
niechceniemoge ::: Favorites jak dla mnie to ona jest zajebista babka... ktora z panienek wyzej wypowiadajacych sie mogłaby zalozyc mini(załozyc to jedno ale jeszcze dobrze w niej wygladac) no jaka polska wokalistka ma tak dobry głos moze mandaryna? a moze Mucha?! jeszcze Cichopek powinna zaczac spiewac...=/ 07-07-23 14:14:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
barbiturana ::: Favorites Wystarczy porownac dwa programy magla: z Chylinska i Doda, zeby odroznic ziarno od plew. Obydwie kontrowersyjne, jednak tylko Chylinska ma klase, Doda to kicz i prostactwo... 07-07-28 15:29:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
locanofear ::: Favorites popieram w 1000000% 07-07-29 06:24:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
lottolottolotto ::: Favorites ucieleśnienie chwytu marketingowego, w 100% świadoma, tego, czym jest, kążdy krok przemyślany, kązdy gest i ruch... a przy okazji: rodzice ja strasznie okłamali ;P 07-07-30 08:55:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
kwiatuszek666 ::: Favorites pięknie doda xD jesteś super !!! 07-08-01 13:27:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
anetka93 ::: Favorites ona jest poprostu głupia...nie trawie jej... poprostu kompletna glupota...nie cierpie jak ktos jest taki zadumany w sobie...jest straszna egoistka...ciota glupia 07-08-02 11:44:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
kulturek ::: Favorites ktos tam napisal ,ze chylinska inteligentna,ma klase i jest jakas.prawda.lecz przyznac trzeba,ze chylinska to,co ma zbudowala na kompleksach i nie ma sie czego wstydzic.doda po prostu wychowywana jest w milosci,co w bogatszych krajach jest norma i nikogo nie oburza.chylinska jest bardziej polska,a doda bardziej globalna-od obu mozna sie czegos nauczyc. 07-08-02 11:45:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Przeciskiwacz ::: Favorites Ma najebane do glowy ale przynajmniej fajne cycki-a tak wlasnie sie robi kariere w polsce ,Bo takich lasek jak ona w remizach jest duzo ... a poziom tego co robi Chylinska i talent jest nieporownywalny 07-08-02 17:37:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
gargamelsito ::: Favorites powiem jedno, każdy czlowiek ma poczucie własnej wyjątkowości, ale ona przegina, według mnie nie jest najpiękniejsza i wcale jej nie zazdroszcze, są piękniejsze kobiety od niej i w dodatku mądre i mające klase, np. A.Jolie...ONA NIE JEST SWIADOMA TEGO JAK SIE KOMPROMITUJE w ogóle jej muzyka to jedna wielka kupa, ona jest świrem?? łachachcahch a co powiecie na szanowna Chylińską, przecież "doda sztuczny cyc" może jej bród spod paznokci wylizac 07-08-06 17:09:15 _____________________________________________________ |
Sarah Fisher heavy crash at Michigan 2007
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Duration: 108 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-16 14:05:09 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
More from the 3.16.07 hearing |
Comments | |
TeamCannabis ::: Favorites PrezBush12or3..Nice homepage,When ya get yer foot outta that "ASS" put it right back in that sick mouth of yours! 07-03-18 16:56:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
TeamCannabis ::: Favorites When you grow up, there's always therapy! 07-03-22 01:58:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
caintrader ::: Favorites so you think it's ok to lie about war just not private sex acts. 07-03-24 14:09:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
TeamCannabis ::: Favorites You've forgotten your medication again! Naughty boy. The road to HELL is paved with good intentions. This lady WAS in the real war on terror, until she was outted by a bunch of wounded, war criminal, babykillers. So pedophileBush123, Hitler had good intentions for Germany, and yes you'll soon be with him soon.God willing! 07-03-27 03:38:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
DillonX ::: Favorites Rove & Cheney -- AS CORRUPT AS IT GETS!! 07-04-08 22:38:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
wiskawind ::: Favorites You are a misogynist, and I find that disturbing; do to that fact, anything that might formulate in your brain is tainted. 07-06-11 12:03:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
Bullettube ::: Favorites Valerie Plame was a supervisor of the CIA's nuclear non-proliferation bureau, in charge of finding illegal nuclear weapons! The CIA, not her, sent her husband, because he was a former ambassador in Africa, to Nigeria. It was the CIA and not the Liberal media that said she was illegally outed, since she had served oversees within the last 5 yrs.. Outing her is considered TREASONOUS, by LAW. Republicans who call her a whore are despicable traitors! 07-06-16 14:22:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
lovuian ::: Favorites Valerie rocks and what they did was criminal 07-06-29 00:22:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
stead77 ::: Favorites This is what I truly feel when I think of our so called vice president Dick Cheney. The worst thing Cheney ever did was, destroy the careers of Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame. To put this country in more jeopardy by outing a whole culvert operation that was formed to follow how terrorist organize and funnel their money. That doesn't make me feel safer about the war on terror. Get rid of the bum. Impeachment is to good for Dickie. He should be tried for Treason and Corruption. 07-06-29 08:33:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
stead77 ::: Favorites PresidentBush123. Your just about as bad as the real illiterate Bush. Most NeoCons are uneducated suck ups who haven't a clue, so they got there lips glued to the nearest NeoCons leaders ass. You have no clue as to what the CIA does, or to what role Valerie Plame had with the CIA. 07-06-29 08:44:56 _____________________________________________________ |
Stirling Newberry: An Introduction
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Duration: 370 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-05 19:52:27 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
Stirling Newberry is a well-regarded expert on blogging and its intersection with the American political process. Stirling dropped by PoliticsTV.com's Washington studio earlier today and talked with us about economics, the netroots and what's behind the word "progressive". May 31, 2006 |
Tunel Sinistro
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Duration: 83 seconds Upload Time: 06-07-20 20:29:24 User: lankawanishi :::: Favorites |
Esse túnel é sinistro... |
Comments | |
rasielmorte2005 ::: Favorites tá doido!!!! tem que chamar o bispo "maiscedo" pra tirar o encosto desse tunel. 07-05-02 12:00:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
Leolennon ::: Favorites Caralho!!! 07-06-06 22:47:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Leolennon ::: Favorites Caralho,deve ser na Rússia,só bêbado....... 07-06-06 22:50:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
HooltraBRR ::: Favorites é o tunel do marques!!! hehehe 07-06-17 20:06:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
Killickx ::: Favorites o nome da música é avalon - juliet 07-06-23 23:22:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
H123er ::: Favorites tem que chama o padre quemedo!!! 07-06-28 19:44:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Kreciorman ::: Favorites Zajefajne!!! Najlepszy jest ten autobus. :D 07-07-08 08:47:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
klingenberga ::: Favorites vai enxe a cara e dirigir se fode mesmo babaca! haeuhue 07-07-28 12:23:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
maluucooo ::: Favorites alguem me explica oq aconteceu aos 1' do video... da onde apareceu akele segundo caminhao? fantasma?! o.O 07-08-04 23:40:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
julianomoraes21 ::: Favorites É RUSSO ISSO!!! Q CAMBADA DE MONGO... 07-08-04 23:56:52 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 113 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-14 04:18:58 User: kurohagi3 :::: Favorites |
この人、箸の使い方、上手いな |
Comments | |
SilentDutchman ::: Favorites hahahaah lol 07-04-25 10:14:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Road to Istanbul - Chapter 2 - First Half (4/7)
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Duration: 4 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-29 19:55:06 User: kurohagi3 :::: Favorites |
状況把握がいいんだか、悪いんだか。。。。 |
Comments | |
marywinmusic ::: Favorites Ouch 07-05-24 01:07:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
elizabetprettybroadu ::: Favorites Check out this FREE adult dating website... ANONPROFILE dot COM 07-07-26 23:46:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
Kelbeloss ::: Favorites 気持ちわるー かなりグロイ ショッキング 07-07-30 10:35:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
nomuken1 ::: Favorites (\_(\ (='.'=) (")_(") 07-08-05 23:00:28 _____________________________________________________ |
070329-八大-吳克群-La Sort
Chris Matthews on political discourse
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Duration: 247 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-02 03:58:04 User: TheOtherWA :::: Favorites |
He talks with Alex Witt about the Elizabeth Edwards challenge to clean up the hate speech in politics. |
Pre-Season - Groclin vs. MKT Araz
18禁不禁 第14集 (4 of 8)
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Duration: 572 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-29 12:54:56 User: icefishyuna :::: Favorites |
18禁不禁 第14集 (4 of 8) |
Comments | |
hamtanX ::: Favorites omg... xiao sun is crying... feel like wanted to hug her 07-07-30 04:27:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
julyoften ::: Favorites peipei and xiao xin so sweett.. 07-07-31 03:29:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
candilisciouz ::: Favorites even though xiao xin is a perv...he is so sweetto peipei 07-08-01 18:51:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
sativechi ::: Favorites in this show all guys are Pervs and they have daydreams all the time...how misleading...but true...haha 07-08-03 22:03:17 _____________________________________________________ |
AFC 2007 4th Saudi Arabia VS Japan Goal HL
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Duration: 70 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-25 12:32:27 User: fktmxm119 :::: Favorites |
Comments | |
DAYEL007 ::: Favorites saudi arabia the champions of asia 07-07-27 02:07:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
m6fooqana ::: Favorites it was really the best match,, it should be the final Congrats Saudi Arabia (y) Good Luck Japan (y) 07-07-27 02:32:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
bandharbi ::: Favorites bay bay japan ,, welcome IRAQ WE ARE ASIA GIANT 07-07-27 03:18:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
RaBaB1992 ::: Favorites Nice match!!, Hope Saudi Arabia sins the cup!! 07-07-27 03:29:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
misakisheraz ::: Favorites Yeah you can celebrate all you want before sunday because after sunday it will be back to reality Saudia Asian Champions 2007 07-07-27 05:23:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
feduo45465 ::: Favorites nice clip nice music & nice game thanks man U rock ...... 07-07-27 10:36:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
Fahad090 ::: Favorites جيناك يااسيا وناوينها نيه حنا اسياد اسيا حنا السعودية 07-07-28 03:38:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
rshaash ::: Favorites ksa & japan best of asia ksa win ... i thing ksa tekk the cup 07-07-28 06:57:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zodiac266 ::: Favorites 01yourmom, you're extremely funny & foolish simeltaneously. In iraq, you celebrate by circling shrines of the dead and beating yourselves and still dance about it like zombies. Fact:this young, yet very talented & hungry saudi team will pack ur net on sunday. you're no match to them. I predict a big score in favor of saudi arabia, similar 2 the saudi/bahrain game. 07-07-28 23:56:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
fktmxm119 ::: Favorites thanks .. saudi good luck 07-07-29 00:37:32 _____________________________________________________ |
En la plaza de mi pueblo
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Duration: 72 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-25 15:15:18 User: CiudadanoTerrorista :::: Favorites |
Pequeña version de Reincidentes. |
Comments | |
VityUvieu ::: Favorites Hoy estas inspirado! hehehe buena música, buena letra, buen video... 07-07-25 16:04:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
elektroduende ::: Favorites dijo el jooooooooornalero al amoooooo ke gran cancion dios,y wen video 07-07-26 09:36:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
CiudadanoTerrorista ::: Favorites Esta tierra que no es mia, esta tierra que es del amo, la riego con mi sudor, la trabajo con mis manos. La original es preciosa. 07-07-26 09:44:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
CAMILOGARCIA1 ::: Favorites muy buena cancion, muy buen video 07-07-26 17:22:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
MawaMac ::: Favorites Esta es buena, pero la original me pone los pelos de punta ;) 07-07-27 03:42:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
kyvids ::: Favorites Faltan los remixes de Simian Mobile Disco y Justice.... es cierto, nada como las originales con la emoción de la época, a ver si me pongo al lío.... 07-07-31 06:11:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
CiudadanoTerrorista ::: Favorites Queria poner la de Chimo Bayo, pero no la encontre... Lo cierto es que el poner musica mas moderna ayuda a conectar con los mas jovenes, pero estoy de acuerdo con que son mas emotivas las originales; la original de esta concretamente es muy bonita, pero todas suenan tristes por el desenlace. 07-07-31 13:01:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
ArcadasOtraVez ::: Favorites vityuvieu te veo desde la ventana de mi habitacion tocandote, marrano muy bueno el video 07-07-27 06:19:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
CiudadanoTerrorista ::: Favorites Se toca mirando impudicamnte fotos mias, pero no se lo digas a nadie. Saludos y gracias, a los dos. 07-07-27 06:59:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
ec4amd ::: Favorites estupendo!!las imagenes son muy buenas,sobre la cancion me gustan las 2 versiones. 07-07-29 16:22:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
lister937 ::: Favorites buen video saludos libertarios 07-07-31 14:54:01 _____________________________________________________ |
Najbogatsi parlamentarzyści
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Duration: 304 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-25 18:27:53 User: GrzesiooTV2 :::: Favorites |
Interwencja Polsat 23062007 |
Comments | |
soma115 ::: Favorites Fajny materiał - bardzo inspirujący! 07-06-26 15:55:23 _____________________________________________________ |
Entrevista com colorado
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Duration: 147 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-26 18:22:44 User: kirkalves :::: Favorites |
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
Comments | |
octopusof ::: Favorites ELE SE CHAMA ADRIANO GABIRU auhahuhuhuaahuahuahuahuhuaahuhuaahu 07-07-29 14:33:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Peppermanrhcp ::: Favorites hueaHUAEHUEAuhEAUHEAuhaeUHEAuheaHUEauhEAUHEa 07-07-30 23:51:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
IkeSobucki ::: Favorites tosco 07-07-31 20:17:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
paulojs ::: Favorites asduhasuhdasuhdhasuhduashduashduashduahsduahduasd comédia muito bem feito!!!! 07-07-31 21:17:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
meneghelf ::: Favorites Cara sinceramente esse não tem muita graça, não fala nenhuma verdade por isso não tem graça. Se tivesse algo de verdade aí, seria mais engraçado... 07-08-01 12:11:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
detroithekk ::: Favorites HAEUAEHUAHEUHEAUEAHEUHAEUHEAUEAHUAEHU muito bom 97 anos, adriano gabiru haeuhauhahaeua inter = piada 07-08-03 00:15:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
lorenzodm ::: Favorites Títulos que Renato Portaluppi deu ao Grêmio: - Libertadores - Torneio Intercontinental Títulos que Adriano Gabiru deu ao Inter: - Libertadores - Copa MUNDIAL de Clubes 07-08-04 09:42:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
tutalocohem ::: Favorites watch?v=DDJ8JyXK3Go /\ || esse sim é foda huahauahauauhahauah 07-08-05 00:08:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
mjacira ::: Favorites FALA SÉRIO! SER o + recente Camp da LIBERTADORES brasileiro,ATUAL "MUNDIAL FIFA",a RECOPA é motivo d riso?!QM VAI RIR SOU.Acorda p séc 21,cara!P ti sobra o REGIONAL e 2ªONA. Comemora os 2 tít,é o q tens.Melhor a fama d MACACO q BANANA\GAYMISTA.A relação é ótima.E IMORTAL"só"a PRETENSÃO DE VCS.Achando q "m" de vcs é caviar?!DVD da 2ªDONA...Foi p apagar a vergonha da 1ªdas 1 voltas? É, pois qto + se mexe + fede! Saudações coloradas, Jacira 07-08-06 18:10:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
mjacira ::: Favorites FALA SÉRIO! SER o + recente Camp da LIBERTADORES brasileiro,ATUAL "MUNDIAL FIFA",a RECOPA é motivo d riso?!QM VAI RIR SOU.Acorda p séc 21,cara!P ti sobra o REGIONAL e 2ªONA. Comemora os 2 tít,é o q tens.Melhor a fama d MACACO q BANANA\GAYMISTA.A relação é ótima.E IMORTAL"só"a PRETENSÃO DE VCS.Achando q "m" de vcs é caviar?!DVD da 2ªDONA...Foi p apagar a vergonha da 1ªdas"2"voltas? É, pois qto + se mexe + fede! Saudações coloradas, Jacira 07-08-06 18:13:12 _____________________________________________________ |
Johnson Edges out Labonte at Charlotte
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Duration: 41 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-07 16:03:55 User: wwetnaecw :::: Favorites |
Johnson Edges out Labonte at Charlotte credit to tbk.fameflame.dk |
Comments | |
avenged7fold332 ::: Favorites ok i wasnt going to rat you out im just saying 06-08-08 09:10:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
nascarmark03 ::: Favorites Jonhson sucks. I wanted Bobby to win. 06-08-08 14:14:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
DixieGurl333 ::: Favorites I wanted Bobby to win too darn it. The guy sure does need a break. But sadly I did find his hissy fit and tire abuse after the race was over as funny. But i felt so bad for him because he still needs a win so bad. 06-08-12 02:53:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
KKFan9 ::: Favorites I wanted Bobby to win that race also. Bobby really needed a win, and still does. 06-09-03 00:28:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
bandman232 ::: Favorites Well now not only does Labonte need a win but Petty Enterprises does too. Man that guy has such bad luck. 2nd at the Daytona 500 3 times! You have thought he would have won it by then... 06-09-09 00:11:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Samarino ::: Favorites Bobby shoulda won that one! 06-09-18 20:07:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
davevis ::: Favorites I agree about Bobby to win that day 06-10-08 00:14:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
48championship ::: Favorites Johnson freakin rocks 06-11-22 22:45:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sunoco ::: Favorites Jimmie Johnson= a robot who wins just because his car is always faster. even on a "bad" day his car is faster than 95% of the pack. 07-01-17 20:04:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
O5fan ::: Favorites That's Terry Labonte that has 3 2nd place finishes in the Daytona 500. Bobby has finished 2nd once. 07-03-06 21:55:28 _____________________________________________________ |