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Duration: 09:05 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-11 14:19:15 User: JohnnieTV :::: Favorites |
JohnnieTV reply's |
Comments | |
filmsaremycalling ::: Favorites ur a fat mess u faggot go get a life 07-01-19 09:53:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
thesekids ::: Favorites do u hav more fingers then teeth? 07-01-13 00:53:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
iamchas ::: Favorites A mobile Johnnie is a great Johnnie- keep on dancing. Always look forward to the next JohnnieTV episode. 07-01-12 00:07:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
KingAJ74 ::: Favorites Chea what up..You Are Da man. funny fucking people 07-01-11 18:19:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
ProBoknows ::: Favorites 500 subscribers, congrats JonnieTV! 07-01-11 17:53:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
agencyfilms ::: Favorites JOHNNIE... we have got a REALLY REALLY BIG suprise for you... There will be cameras and lights and ACTION...! MORE details on SATURDAY...! YOU are the BEST on the TUBE... god BLESS you JOHNNIE...! AND again... THANK YOU for the PROPS and SHOUT OUTS...! xoxoxoxo 07-01-11 17:22:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
bigdawg1690 ::: Favorites johnnie that's metallica playing tuesday's gone...glad u liked it...thanks for the shout-out...and i agree with mastershake3d i have a serious non homosexual mancrush on you...keep rockin in the free world... 07-01-11 17:00:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
DeAnnya ::: Favorites I believe its Lynard Skynard hun 07-01-14 14:10:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
bigdawg1690 ::: Favorites its a lynard skynard song that metallica covered on their garage days album 07-01-14 15:03:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
DeAnnya ::: Favorites ohh ok, cool bigdawg I didnt know metallica did a skynard song :) 07-01-17 10:55:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
Marchand2 ::: Favorites hey LOL I 4got to ask if I could be in ure shout out VID ..thx Johnnie bro ! 07-01-11 16:50:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
Marchand2 ::: Favorites hey Johnnie bro its me again .Keep up the awesome video's>...I think you should make a special edition show once a month or sumthin..just to spice things up !!cheers 07-01-11 16:29:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
14Melonfarmer ::: Favorites Johnnie is a visionary! The most authentic punk rock talent in years. 07-01-11 16:26:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
jessesalinas2007 ::: Favorites booty-licious!!!! i like that! 07-01-11 16:08:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
marriednotlooking4u ::: Favorites johnnie thanks man and thanks for paying no mind to the comment left about unsubscribing and resubscribing once agine i know you do care and thanks for the shout outs. you rock. 07-01-11 15:50:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
mastershake3d ::: Favorites I love you Johnnie in a none homosexual way. 07-01-11 15:19:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Djrooney2 ::: Favorites Very kewl An FUNNY =) ! 07-01-11 15:03:21 _____________________________________________________ |
Friday, August 24, 2007
Re: Re: Re: Booty-licious
Ekin Soca Abim Damat Oluyor www.interesting-videos.com
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Duration: 04:40 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-31 04:26:03 User: ezberim :::: Favorites |
ekin soca nın yeni video kilibi abim damat oluyo www.interesting-videos.com www.ezberim.com www.programdown.com |
Comments | |
k1a2d3i4r5rr ::: Favorites süper ya 07-08-22 05:26:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
FurkaNquA ::: Favorites ne a.Q kıskanmayın.SEven sever,sevmeyen sevmez.Şarkı Avrupa da 1. sıraya oturmuş.Bize uymasa da başkaları seviyo demek.Adam gb yorumlar yapın yapacaksanız!!! 07-08-20 18:34:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
xmxexhxmxextx ::: Favorites hehe bu sarki ney ya böyle acayip mis 07-08-19 07:34:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
tolgamersin ::: Favorites sato066 şarkı çok güzel bence 07-08-11 06:42:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
tolgamersin ::: Favorites götünü sikerim ha sipacan mısın ne boksun orodpunun çocugu sen yapsbiliyonmu böyle aq senin ibne herif sie amcık kafası 07-08-11 06:41:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
sipacan12 ::: Favorites ulan kulağının ayarını skiyim senin TOLGAMERSİN,bu şarkıyada güzel diyosun ya,götünle dinliyosun heralde,klavye delikanlılığı yaparsın zaten ancak,klipteki zenci seni sikti heralde ki bu kadar haz almışın şarkıdan,efendi ol ızdırabını sikerler yoksa senin götlek ;) 07-08-16 12:43:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
joythegreat ::: Favorites ulan adam mc hammer a da benziyo,sonlara doğru bi "can touch this" dese mc hammer ın reenkarnasyonuna inancım kuvvetlenecekti.kısmet değilmiş.önümüzdeki şarkılara bakıcaz. 07-08-10 14:52:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
ciho007 ::: Favorites bence super ama biraz uyum sorunu var 07-08-10 04:58:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
sato0666 ::: Favorites irenç yha tam bi komedi:D 07-08-08 14:40:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
DleniZ61 ::: Favorites zu geil morukkkkk 07-08-08 08:22:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
phaaar11 ::: Favorites sipacan12 akıllı konuş senin götünü sikerim amcık senin allah belanı versin göt veren 07-08-08 05:50:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
sipacan12 ::: Favorites pardon abi bilemedim,şarkı süpermiş tekrar tekrar dinledimde,sana armağan ediorum! 07-08-09 17:33:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
jepince ::: Favorites sipacan12 nie ole diorsun senin gidigini cemcururum cok guzel sarki iyi dinle istersen 07-08-07 18:52:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
sipacan12 ::: Favorites yayında ve yapımda geçenlerin allah belalarını versin,ben daha böyle apaçi bi şarkı duymadm.. :D 07-08-07 18:46:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
ramxsesss ::: Favorites adam harbi klip yapmışşşşşşş helalll 07-08-06 18:10:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
fantatotti ::: Favorites fena degıl ekının sesı guzeldır ama bu tarz pıyasa sarkıalrı yerıne turku soledıgınde tutulmuyo daha oncede jardelın karısını oynattı kılıbınde bu tarz calısmalar yapıyo arada :) 07-08-06 17:39:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxyusufcukxx ::: Favorites tam bi kroo bulmuş afrikalıyı halay sektiriyoo come on remixxxxx wuhahah 07-08-05 22:08:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
sensitiveseda88 ::: Favorites Çok güzel yaa insanın oynayası geliyor.:D 07-08-04 12:18:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
efruz89 ::: Favorites süperrr yaaa kıvır kıvır bi şarkı olmuş :D 07-08-02 01:30:51 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: SNL- An SNL Digital Short- Body Fusion
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Duration: 03:12 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-05 20:27:05 User: JohnnieTV :::: Favorites |
JohnnieTV Reply's |
Comments | |
psxballa13 ::: Favorites jonny: kill yourself. 07-02-15 13:57:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
baseballer73639 ::: Favorites Are you on drugs 07-02-12 19:20:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
kossossk ::: Favorites Id love to hear Marlyn manson the perfect drug or lips of an angel by Hinder jonny . Hey Jonny my friends call me strongpussy . (cause i am what I eat) :P What about you Jonny you have a nickname 07-02-05 22:09:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
SwobyJ ::: Favorites I hate you. 07-02-05 21:47:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
pussycatdoll123 ::: Favorites you best not be talkin bout johnnie :) 07-02-06 00:25:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
psxballa13 ::: Favorites agreed. this guy is a douche. this shit pops up all the time when i am looking for real videos. die in a fire. 07-02-15 13:57:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
SwobyJ ::: Favorites oh, and I'm gay, so the random girls off the street do nothing for me... gonna throw up now 07-02-16 15:09:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
m0pt0p ::: Favorites Fag. 07-03-01 05:21:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
SwobyJ ::: Favorites Bully. (and also the first person to call me a fag in a non-joking way...congrats?) 07-03-05 17:19:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Copa América - Chile 1-6 Brazil - Cuartos de Final
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Duration: 06:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-08 01:24:06 User: alisonlhp1910 :::: Favorites |
http://portalcorinthians.com Copa América - Chile 1-6 Brazil - Cuartos de Final |
Comments | |
MagnusVerk ::: Favorites chilemierdas hijos de puta... mas putos no pueden ser estos indios del orto! 07-08-22 16:13:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
dvehabovic ::: Favorites Fucking niggers. I hate brazil and you stupid mexicans learn some english. Please don't tell me if you are argentine or whatever its mexican and the same crap to me. 07-08-18 01:32:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
ruchan0143 ::: Favorites esa boca de estos chilotes, caramba... no se quejen, y sean concientes: en futbol son la cola de america, no han ganado nunca nada! 07-08-08 11:23:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
elfonegrooo ::: Favorites jajjajaja que risa, cada vez que marca un gol brasil suena la palabra BRASIL! y luego una pequeña samba, que en este partido parecio el carnaval de rio jajajja 07-08-05 19:26:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
gabted ::: Favorites GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL JAJAJA CHILE mierda no saben ni donde esta la pelota 07-08-02 22:17:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
elsantito6969 ::: Favorites Si yo fuera tu no habLaria... te recuerda algo cuando te digo: la MEJOR argentina PERDIO con la PEOR BRAZIL???? ten un poquito de dignidad y no hables mas mierda ya?? 07-07-31 18:57:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
diegoargentum ::: Favorites Primero: eso de la mejor argentina es discutible, si no, no se tendria que haver perdido. Segundo: Y chileno ya que hablas te recuerdo que el peor brasil le gano 3-0 y 6-1 (9-1) al mejor chile. 07-08-09 00:31:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
dvehabovic ::: Favorites Fucking niggers. I hate brazil and you stupid mexicans learn some english. Please don't tell me if you are argentine or whatever its mexican and the same crap to me. 07-08-18 01:32:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
diegoargentum ::: Favorites che chilenos... aqui tambien los perjudico el arbitro?. Chilenos eternos perdedores se comieron un 9-1 (nueve a uno) contra Brasil en esta copa américa. Dan lastima... 07-07-31 04:02:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
aoclgmaxxtro ::: Favorites ke te pasa perro conxetumare q wea te pasa con nosotro xuxetumare y se te olvida el robo de canada sapo culiao 07-08-08 06:31:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Huvenileillysaints ::: Favorites WHy what has life become to. no longer canweeatice cream out of ash trays but now we are banished to the streets where we can chase stray dogs into the road,, amigo? 07-07-30 16:04:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
chomboPE ::: Favorites hay q ser chileno para sentir verguenza de chile 07-07-29 17:34:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
skani07 ::: Favorites y Argentina ganó esta copa?? 07-07-25 10:14:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
elmendo84 ::: Favorites ¿Y el arbitro aca tambien es el culpable? 07-07-25 08:06:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
killbad999 ::: Favorites la adulta vale callampa wn dan pena esos weones ke weno que se fue el pelao acosta 07-07-24 15:28:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
atlscribe ::: Favorites who the hell cares about the u20 world cup? 07-07-19 09:13:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
mmzailen ::: Favorites Que bueno que se fue el pelao acosta. 07-07-18 18:41:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
gimena703 ::: Favorites chile ..solo sirven para chupar dan pena frente a brazil 07-07-17 17:10:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
sts1979 ::: Favorites los chilenos se dedicaron a weiar tomar y carretiar, y que tanta wea si son chilenos, yo hago lo mismo. 07-07-17 07:39:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
panelization ::: Favorites Que belleza de gol el de Chile! deberia valer por 3..jaja.. el comentarista Brasilero lo dijo "el mejor gol del juego" y para mi, el mejor del campeonato! Que bonito juego Brazil... como siempre. Lastima no poder ver a Ronaldinho en la copa america! 07-07-16 13:06:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Jamkea and Amber r gonna play now
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Duration: 02:29 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-17 22:48:52 User: eyeluvhowie :::: Favorites |
They r so funny and mad..a little dumb too... |
Comments | |
stephenhawkingcam ::: Favorites just wanted to say thanks for posting this stuff! 07-08-17 23:43:52 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: Spit Art
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Duration: 03:45 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-19 23:50:08 User: JohnnieTV :::: Favorites |
JohnnieTV Reply's |
Comments | |
Abosone ::: Favorites this is a true thing that happens! its not a chain letter! its kinda scary at first but it really works!! paste this message into 3 comments and press ALT F4 and your crushes name will appear on the screen!!! its soo wierd! ( 07-03-22 18:00:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
jozzaman ::: Favorites this is a true thing that happens! its not a chain letter! its kinda scary at first but it really works!! paste this message into 3 comments and press ALT F1 and your crushes name will appear on the screen!!! its soo wierd! wow 07-03-17 15:40:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
NoLeafeClover ::: Favorites Okay...EVERYONE (whether they say it or not) KNOWS THAT THEY WANT YOU TO KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON. KEEP IT ON. STOP TAKING IT OFF. And...learn how to talk. Also, If you say "Johnnie Television" in one more video, you're going to get shot. I reapeat, Going. To. Get. Shot. Not by me, but someone will shoot you. Don't have to tell us who we're watching Sir. Not Every Time 07-03-16 18:13:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
carbushinaw ::: Favorites PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste 07-03-15 23:03:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
ZeroOneX88 ::: Favorites man it's starting to make me laugh everytime i go through video responses and there just happens to be a jtv reply 07-03-15 15:38:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
michael853 ::: Favorites PLEASE DONT READ THIS!in 1887 a inocent fifteen year old girl was abducted raped tortured and killed by a crazy man then he took her body into his bed and slept with it for five years before he was caught and sent to a mental assylum where he killed himself six months later'copy and paste this message to three videos on youtube or you will wake up with her stinking decaying corpes beside you. 07-03-12 21:15:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
j3e1a6 ::: Favorites his is a true thing that happens! its not a chain letter! its kinda scary at first but it really works!! paste this message into 3 comments and press ALT F4 and your crushes name will appear on the screen!!! its soo wierd! 07-03-11 19:07:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
koolio1214 ::: Favorites this is a true thing that happens! its not a chain letter! its kinda scary at first but it really works!! paste this message into 3 comments and press ALT F1 and your crushes name will appear on the screen!!! its soo wierd! wow 07-03-10 23:00:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
dragonflyguy73 ::: Favorites My redneck dipshit detector is going CRAZY right now! 07-03-09 20:09:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
igetbuisy ::: Favorites backwoods retard speaks again *sigh* 07-03-06 20:38:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
CalmAsHinduCow ::: Favorites hahahaha you have my chemical romance and taking back sunday posters. You fail. 07-03-05 15:42:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
shade2k7 ::: Favorites PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved 07-03-01 11:52:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
richiewinter ::: Favorites you are an absolute cock 07-02-28 17:48:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
nygiantsphan ::: Favorites PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved 07-02-27 14:19:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
TrashCrap ::: Favorites haha silly man 07-02-19 01:49:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
HolyShitANinja ::: Favorites he's making taking back suday look bad! 07-02-18 21:26:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
maxdude55 ::: Favorites this redneck is a fucking loser 07-02-17 11:01:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
skeetskeet1234 ::: Favorites rednecks like my chemical romance? 07-02-02 00:22:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
ZakuMaara ::: Favorites Give me my 2 min and 46 sec back plzzzz! 07-02-01 15:00:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
mychemicalromance811 ::: Favorites Jeeeeeesus christ... Does he ever shut up!!!! 07-01-31 21:00:49 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: A bit of me...
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Duration: 08:59 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-23 15:10:52 User: JohnnieTV :::: Favorites |
JohnnieTV Reply's |
Comments | |
maplestory26 ::: Favorites ok then,,, 07-01-25 00:18:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
iamchas ::: Favorites I'll bring a case of PBR, Johnnie! 07-01-24 17:17:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
mattlove1 ::: Favorites Smoke on the water - fire in the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - oh man. I saw deep purple a couple of years ago. some people would be disappointed to see a Richie Blackmore-less Deep Purple - but Steve Morse is a titan of the guitar, right DeAnnya? 5 stars 07-01-23 17:16:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
razelma ::: Favorites Give me a cluesey of your hat size maestro. 07-01-23 15:55:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
DeAnnya ::: Favorites Thats the first song I ever learned to play on the guitar. Also Guitar Hero Rulez lol 07-01-23 15:24:24 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: "Magic Hands" - Making PvP: The Series
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Duration: 03:36 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-13 21:51:01 User: JohnnieTV :::: Favorites |
Johnnie's Reply |
Comments | |
KawaiiMomusu ::: Favorites Scott johnson looks like you now a little. 07-03-14 04:08:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
caseyjocrawford ::: Favorites YOU ROCK. 06-12-15 12:06:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
loosebuttdolan ::: Favorites where are the lesbians at already? 06-12-13 22:06:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Virtual Earth 3D with SpaceNavigator
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Duration: 02:18 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-20 16:45:18 User: gearthblog :::: Favorites |
Demo of using SpaceNavigator with Microsoft's Virtual Earth 3D. Part of a comparison review of VE3D with Google Earth. Read more at: http://tinyurl.com/34tldm |
Comments | |
gthreesix ::: Favorites Maybe you can show us what the Microsoft mouse looks like? or would it make this a commercial and get deleted? any way Thanks for showing! 07-05-22 05:40:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
gearthblog ::: Favorites If you follow the tinyurl link in the description of this video on the upper right - click "(more)" you can read the full review. There is a link to 3DConnexion which will show you the SpaceNavigator 3DMouse (not made by MS by the way). 07-05-22 07:59:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
gthreesix ::: Favorites thanks 07-05-25 21:49:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
xXxRadicalDreamerxXx ::: Favorites Earth is boring. I want the Moon, Mars, and then whole galaxy!!!! MUHAHHAHAHA 07-05-22 05:28:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
YemeniteCamel ::: Favorites What about less famous cities? Are they 3D too? Did MS find the algorythm to "render" new 3D maps with sattelite pictures? 07-05-22 05:02:05 _____________________________________________________ |
RSC Anderlecht - Club Brugge
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Duration: 01:25 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-28 22:03:04 User: LucasBiglia5 :::: Favorites |
Belgian Supercup 2007/2008 |
Comments | |
FooTh ::: Favorites Boussoufa & Hassan are ready for Europe ! 07-07-30 06:23:55 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: Mr. Deity Episode 3: Mr. Deity and The Light
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Duration: 07:48 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-18 17:17:01 User: JohnnieTV :::: Favorites |
JohnnieTV reply's |
Comments | |
Antitheistguy ::: Favorites What a 'tard.... 07-08-03 04:15:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Igziabeherljbp ::: Favorites Why? Why post such trash? This is horrible. 07-03-15 19:31:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
grizzlyreaper2002 ::: Favorites this guy is friggin' amazing! 07-02-08 02:40:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
potholer54 ::: Favorites Learn how to spell in the title. It's 'times' not time's. 07-02-04 23:53:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
7b ::: Favorites You are the WORST PERSON EVER. You suck at life, PLEASE stop wasting the internets. 07-02-04 16:53:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
vempyrcharm ::: Favorites Johnny TV, you should shut down 07-02-04 12:48:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
Crazyfish66 ::: Favorites ah that stupid accent, couldnt stand watching it all 07-02-03 14:28:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
idmfx ::: Favorites This has to be fake. "Creditbility"? There's no fucking way. 07-01-25 23:47:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
iamchas ::: Favorites Thanks for the shoutout! JohnnieTV- always entertaining and always beneficial. 07-01-19 00:52:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
carouselqueenmi ::: Favorites I love your music diversity! 07-01-18 22:33:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
DeAnnya ::: Favorites Woo Johnnie got to Coyote Ugly "as promised from Johnnie TV!" 07-01-18 18:34:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
Graywolf212 ::: Favorites Madonna? How about some Southern Rock? Some Skynrd, CDB, or Molly Hatchet. 07-01-18 17:48:32 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: Atheist Extremist
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Duration: 05:32 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-13 17:29:50 User: JohnnieTV :::: Favorites |
Johnnie's reply |
Comments | |
gfrancavilla ::: Favorites you're an idiot 07-07-20 15:41:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
lazerflesh ::: Favorites God damn. Are you for real ? People like you shouldn't live. Take a freaking shower and clean your house you dirty white trash piece of shit. 07-02-08 23:41:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
aaronmcbride1234 ::: Favorites so your christian but you want to havepole dancers...? 07-01-22 22:03:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
DudeDudely ::: Favorites This is a terrible video I suggest this guy takes a few college courses to help him with respond with a better structured argument that has at least some substance to back it up. 07-01-21 19:02:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
FuckMTV ::: Favorites this is so typical ... stereotypes aren't made up - here he is - a redneck evangelical. 07-01-21 02:03:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
MajBromley ::: Favorites "umm, umm, ummmmmmmm, yeah this is, ummmm in ummmmm response ummm ummmm to ummmmm the aTHEist ummmm video" 07-01-21 00:56:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
666norton420 ::: Favorites this guy is soo fucking retarded, i saw him last week say he's going to buy a ps3! religious AND a corporate slave... this guy's ALL KINDS of STUPID!! ;d 07-01-16 00:58:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
101011001 ::: Favorites Well at least I got a good laugh. 07-01-09 23:15:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
flamingmonkey923 ::: Favorites Duh... I dun get you mistah atheissss. Tah bible must be true 'cause it say so rit there in da bible! Lord blessed me wit my... uh... smartness. Grade A christian redneck. Congradulations 07-01-09 21:15:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
techn9ne31 ::: Favorites damn u have almost 3 whole teeth! 07-01-08 23:26:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
WolfRitter ::: Favorites We evolved from a similair ancestor, and I suggest you pony up proof of gods existence. Remember, Absence of Evidence is Evidence of Absence. 07-01-05 05:09:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
allyouneedislove19 ::: Favorites Please don't Brainwash your children with your own religious beliefs!! AS i was raised in a christian home and it totally fucked me up!!(im ok now im atheist- I Saw the sense) The bible is just a pack of nonsense that has been re-written again and again. You religious folk need your heads seeing too! There is no proof God exists and there never will be. And even if there was a heaven, It will be a very empty place. This planet would be a much better place without religion 07-01-03 20:59:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
AstroZombie1337 ::: Favorites lol what a dumb redneck..this is funny. and if u want people to take you seriously dont act so fucking stupid and retarted on your videos 07-01-02 23:46:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
RamenOps ::: Favorites Good god, you sound like just another retarted christian. Hell, I thought this was a joke at first view. Please tell me this is a joke? Because this is freakin hilarious. 07-01-02 14:21:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
ThEskimo ::: Favorites Oh your fucking god what's going on? It's like you're begging for mockery. and these comments... sorry that's all just too much for my now, maybe i'll reply again later. 06-12-30 04:39:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
hall1833 ::: Favorites Feel the christian love. I belive in pole dancers. Can we atleast agree on that? 06-12-24 18:16:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
2kwolfgang ::: Favorites Wow... I agree... Dee De DEEEEE! 06-12-21 17:30:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
baddogma ::: Favorites DEE DE DEEEEEE! 06-12-20 08:51:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
AnimTV ::: Favorites YOUR DOG IS YOUR GOD 06-12-20 07:17:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Auswurkung ::: Favorites Lesbians and Pole Dancers - Praise the Lord!!! 06-12-19 02:56:35 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: The Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh) Album Version
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Duration: 03:18 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-31 20:08:52 User: JohnnieTV :::: Favorites |
JohnnieTV Reply's |
Comments | |
fiestything ::: Favorites Get alife u absolute prick!!! Ur talkin a load of shit!!! Just go n dwn a bit more vodka u STUPID YANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-06-27 06:44:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
SLOtiger ::: Favorites get a life you idiot 07-03-10 14:22:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
mikeiscool502 ::: Favorites get a life asshole 07-02-12 17:46:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
angelenamorada ::: Favorites in 1945, a young girls named katu lata kulu came over to America in a grey boat from Africa. A mysterious man killed her by cutting the word "LATUALATUKA" into her back. Now that you have read this message, she will come to your house on a full moon and steal your soul unless you follow these direction: 1. Retype this message as a comment for 3 other videos. 07-02-02 18:11:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
frustumator ::: Favorites i enjoy the chili peppers, Johnnie! keep on keepin' on, brother 06-12-31 23:53:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
colMcJeasy ::: Favorites what don't you shove some chili up your ass? 06-12-31 23:03:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
caseyjocrawford ::: Favorites grow up you like johnnie or you wouldnt have so meny of his videos in your favorites.lol 06-12-31 23:44:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
caseyjocrawford ::: Favorites Get over your self your boy friend will take you back some day mabey. 07-01-01 00:01:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
demonswar ::: Favorites omg call me johnnie opleas b4 12 pm k i need to talk to you 06-12-31 21:36:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
caseyjocrawford ::: Favorites lol mabey you should drink some more. 06-12-31 21:46:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
caseyjocrawford ::: Favorites Keep the videos comeing you rule you tube johnnie lol you are funnie cabel sucks compared to johnnie t.v.Keep the grate music man. 06-12-31 21:33:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
chrisdelam ::: Favorites Dude ur rockin it!!!put a shout out for chris and rj!!! 06-12-31 21:26:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
caseyjocrawford ::: Favorites Grate video johnnie yes were haveing a happy new years we are about drunk now.Rock on man and pray for casey jos hang over tommorow lol.I hope it wont be to bad. 06-12-31 21:22:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
njmonkeyboy14 ::: Favorites God do I hope your not an american...how many slaves do you have behind that camera with these AWESOME videos...Can you do a shout out to Hitler? Because you remind me of him because your taking over the minds of all the imcompetents! 06-12-31 21:09:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
njmonkeyboy14 ::: Favorites God do I hope your not an american...how many slaves do you have behind that camera with these AWESOME videos...Can you do a shout out to Hitler? Because you remind me of him because your taking over the minds of all the imcompetents! 06-12-31 21:08:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
jperfect03 ::: Favorites I'd say you are a menace to humanity, but in fact you're only a menace to intelligence. I hope people from other countries don't see this. This should be considered defamation to our society at the least. 06-12-31 21:06:26 _____________________________________________________ |
Brasileirão 2007 - Vasco 2x0 Corinthians
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Duration: 06:00 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-10 11:54:43 User: alisonlhp1910 :::: Favorites |
http://portalcorinthians.com Local: Estádio de São Januário, no Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Data: 9 de agosto de 2007, quinta-feira Horário: 20h30 (de Brasília) Árbitro: Sérgio da Silva Carvalho (DF) Assistentes: Ênio Ferreira e Eremilson Xaiver Macedo (ambos do DF) Cartões amarelos: Jorge Luiz (Vasco). Eduardo Ratinho, Fábio Ferreira e Zelão (Corinthians) GOLS: VASCO: Wagner Diniz, aos 23 minutos do primeiro tempo, e Enílton, aos dez do segundo. VASCO: Sílvio Luiz, Vilson (Roberto Lopes), Jorge Luiz e Júlio Santos; Wagner Diniz, Amaral, Perdigão, Dário Conca e Guilherme (Eduardo); Alan Kardec (Enílton) e Leandro Amaral Técnico: Celso Roth CORINTHIANS: Felipe; Edson (Eduardo Ratinho), Fábio Ferreira, Zelão e Carlão; Ricardinho, Vampeta, Gustavo Nery (Carlos Alberto) e Willian; Everton Santos (Dentinho) e Clodoaldo Técnico: Paulo César Carpegiani |
Comments | |
felipeumada ::: Favorites carpegianni burro! 07-08-10 13:04:12 _____________________________________________________ |