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Duration: 217 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-10 22:13:10 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
http://www.newshounds.us CNN's Dr. Gupta admits an error in his Fact Check of SICKO, Michael Moore's hot new documentary about the disaster that is the modern American health care system. Comment at www.newshounds.us |
Thursday, August 9, 2007
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Admits Error in SICKO Fact Check
NOTICIAS - Sistema salvavidas
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Duration: 171 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-24 10:39:53 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/a3noticias/ Las nuevas tecnologias ayudan a las labores de asistencia en carreteras |
Comments | |
creisi ::: Favorites Está muy bien esto, pero solo deberia activarse al haber un choque o al dispararse algun airbag, porque si realizas una frenada de emergencia no vas a estar pendiente de si esta llamando el coche, sino vas a estar pendiente del camión que te ha parado delante o de algo así.. 07-07-25 12:48:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
Coker99 ::: Favorites Si señor mas dinero para la poblacion. 07-07-28 08:24:00 _____________________________________________________ |
Chickenhawks Gingrich And Hannity Attack Americans
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Duration: 465 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-03 00:42:58 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
"Regular guys" Newt Gingrich and Sean Hannity talk tough from the safety of the FOX News TV studio and complain about "elitists" who want peace. Read more and comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/03/chickenhawks_sean_hannity_and_newt_gingrich_attack_americans_for_not_being_bellicose_enough.php#more |
Cramer Discusses the $9 Stock Mystique
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Duration: 169 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-06 11:44:45 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Jim gives you the scoop on why stocks like Dynergy, Qwest and Ford are so attractive. |
Greg Solomon... may I show everyone your emails?
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Duration: 163 seconds Upload Time: 06-11-29 20:21:41 User: renetto :::: Favorites |
http://www.paulrobinett.com I'll be wating... Please watch this in the mean time... Renetto has final card played Poker Game Over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zhDJ_nX5AI&watch_response |
Comments | |
Entwistle905 ::: Favorites So do you support Mr. Solomon, and try to get him to cry or blow a fuse with a overused dirty R-rated Insult and I agree with taft207. 07-01-12 20:18:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
Entwistle905 ::: Favorites What did you ask him in the first place the typical renetto vs. GregSolomon question, he is so jealous as an old man. 07-01-12 20:19:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
LondonStudentForums ::: Favorites grow up 07-02-20 18:26:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
Byronfairweather ::: Favorites Renetto, don't let the haters get you down. I love what you do; you've got an ambition that so many people lack. 07-02-21 13:20:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
runetto ::: Favorites Talk Show - nothing is innappropriate - our first Broadcast! See what we have got to say about it today! 07-03-29 06:24:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
bojangles37 ::: Favorites what's up with those god damned glasses? faggot. 07-06-07 09:51:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
rodzillaswfl ::: Favorites beth is a crack addict whore like your MOM 07-06-12 01:07:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
BobDylan1201 ::: Favorites He's Paul Robinett. He makes candles, paintings, and inventions. 07-06-15 13:34:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
Contact3312 ::: Favorites uh yeah, arent those women's glasses? haha 07-07-13 11:28:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Shortbull1991 ::: Favorites are these guys seriously having a fight over youtube? thats pretty lame, why dont they just do it the old fashioned way and duke it out. 07-07-16 01:32:11 _____________________________________________________ |
Glenn Beck is Wrong!
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Duration: 259 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-17 15:45:40 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Glenn Beck and the rest of the mainstream media have the stock market all wrong. |
Comments | |
Foober ::: Favorites Great theatre, Aaron Task. 07-07-17 20:20:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
insidebetween ::: Favorites Why are the Americans who claim to be Christians, the staunchest ally of the Turks who committed GENOCIDE on the FIRST CHRISTIAN NATION OF THE WORLD, the Armenians? Why are Jews suppressing knowledge of the Armenian genocide in order to curry favor with the Turks who just elected an Islamist government? What does Christ tell George Bush when He speaks to the president? that screwing the first Christian nation of the world is in our national interest perhaps, as the State Department claims it is? 07-07-27 12:36:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
javierelbueno ::: Favorites glen beck is an Ignorant. 07-08-07 10:21:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
RobertGary1 ::: Favorites Dude, was this shot in a basement? He doesn't even know where the camera is. Looks like something made by a 12 year old. 07-08-07 19:11:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
mikeutech ::: Favorites he doesn't care where the live camera is, he has to read off the teleprompter 07-08-09 00:07:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
eyeofmark ::: Favorites All the companies Mr. Task mentions doing so well are large international conglomerates. No one would or could argue major economies outside the US are not doing great. As much as i hate to admit Glenn Beck might be correct about something, the US economy is growing slowly and there is certainly is a bursting bubble in the housing sector of the market. 07-08-09 00:03:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tagemandbagem ::: Favorites Glen Beck is mainstream media? Christ, America is fucked. 07-08-09 00:49:09 _____________________________________________________ |
touching the ball
One Step Ahead: Economics of Ethanol
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Duration: 221 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-27 12:37:35 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Keith Lieberthal discusses the science and economics of ethanol production. |
Comments | |
mazdaplz ::: Favorites There's research going on of bacteria that can process natural gas into ethanol, has it been considered? 07-07-19 08:16:37 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: Who are you....Who, Who...Who, Who
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Duration: 624 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-14 21:11:15 User: renetto :::: Favorites |
Who am I....... Well I can't seem to make a video under 20 min.... so I just put this one in Fast Forward. |
Comments | |
Gobten ::: Favorites what a funny video lol i love it, wow 07-03-16 07:04:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
babbitchan ::: Favorites i couldn't understand 07-03-19 22:30:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
vanidence ::: Favorites OMG, this is just so great! And what a great Idea to make it faster to get even 20mins! Really cool! Thanks a lot for Sharing, Renetto! ^^ 07-03-20 22:45:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
runetto ::: Favorites Talk Show - nothing is innappropriate - our first Broadcast! See what we have got to say about it today! 07-03-27 17:20:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
JohnnyWeedSeed420 ::: Favorites i think this guy is a gaywad 07-03-28 01:12:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
27722700 ::: Favorites LMAO! 07-04-15 05:20:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
D00MHeart ::: Favorites Very inspiring indeed.. 07-04-17 05:47:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
halo2chic ::: Favorites I wanna make a vid longer than 10 mins but I can't :( I even changed my thing to director.... Me=sad panda... I'm about to do the same thing you did... 07-04-30 01:39:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
co210 ::: Favorites this guy is amazing! hes my new role model! 07-05-28 21:53:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
wylieweeks ::: Favorites Sooooooo true. this is amazing. thanks for making this point so well - wylie 07-07-21 13:09:59 _____________________________________________________ |
Ravines-James Jump 4
Buenafuente - En busca de la tumba de Cristo
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Duration: 262 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-27 11:44:26 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/buenafuente/ Mónica Cruz flipaba con Timorato García, un experto en relíquias. Nos quiso vender el edredón de Cristo, el cáliz de la última cena, la famosa muñequera de espinas... |
Comments | |
jgolaweb ::: Favorites Lo mejor de Antena 3 "Bf", lo demás muy malo 07-04-29 08:29:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
Bilbao3 ::: Favorites Que preciosa Moni! 07-04-29 09:56:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
zet84 ::: Favorites No hace gracia este personaje. aburre 07-06-08 08:19:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
JaumaSissa ::: Favorites Bueno, Antena 3 no tiene una programación tan pésima, aunque en cuanto a productos de la casa se refiere sí, ya que ''Los Simpsons'', ''Sin rastro'', ''24'' y demás son apuestas seguras, pero compradas. Telecinco, la primera, cuatro y la sexta, tampoco es que se salven mucho... sólo nos queda el cine, y visto lo visto, dentro de un tiempo, tampoco. 07-06-11 08:56:12 _____________________________________________________ |
http://zaitakubaitobiz.blog74.fc2.com/ (More in Here!)
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Duration: 68 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-08 09:46:41 User: goldsexyfish :::: Favorites |
http://zaitakubaitobiz.blog74.fc2.com/ |
El Internado - María descubierta mientras buscaba algo vital
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Duration: 214 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-08 07:33:53 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/elinternado/ Jacinta sorprende a María urgando entre los papeles del despacho de Héctor. La limpiadora se ve obligada a contarle la verdad sobre su vida a la Gobernanta del centro. |
Comments | |
mariah8goldspink ::: Favorites de serie mala nada es un exitazo k la vn 12 mllns d persnas y tne un reparto excepcioNAL 07-06-21 06:28:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
circuloroto ::: Favorites es una serie perfecta ojala ubiese mas series como esa 07-06-21 10:35:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
josemartR ::: Favorites ¡A TODO EL QUE LEA y vea el video de "roman de mostoles" le ruego que colabore con los derechos humanos, y si puede que lo ponga en otros idiomas, en COMENTARIOS DE LOS VIDEOS. Gracias. que: <YouTube pone videos de personas, personas declaradas oficialmente incapaces y deficientes síquicas, para mofa y burla de todo Internet, que es lo mismo que de todo el mundo. Que yo sepa, por lo menos, en colaboración con "erjesus88 "> 07-06-22 02:07:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
neton718 ::: Favorites de reparto excepcional....no opino, aunque creo que los hay mejores. En cuanto a serie, parece un vano intento de darle el toque misterioso de Howarts de Harry Potter, uno niños en un internado, donde viven en peligro y rodeados de miserio.... 07-06-22 12:03:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
xaviercaballero ::: Favorites XDXDDDDDD la k limpia esta buena eee xdddd 07-06-22 15:52:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
ferlajes ::: Favorites De momento yo no les he visto hacer magia... Si les veo te aviso.... ja ja ja ja Hasta la fecha que yo sepa en la historia de la TV ya han existido series basadas de niños en internados sinceramente Harry Potter también se considera plagio y ya te diré de cuantas cosas.... 07-06-23 01:55:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
SANSIXTYNINE ::: Favorites sta caxonda la tia esta la... asistenta...jejej 07-06-27 15:54:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
trolltrolero ::: Favorites vya basura de serie OMFG!!! menos mal q sacaba ya sta meirdaaaaaa 07-06-28 10:05:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
HinataHyuga91 ::: Favorites Basura de serie¡¡¡¡ MENTIRAA¡¡¡ sinceramente es la mejor serie española que he visto!!! me ha encantado desde el primer momento!!! 07-06-30 07:25:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
fuckryw ::: Favorites lo k me va a morder va ser la polla , madre mia k buena esta! ^^ 07-07-05 21:41:03 _____________________________________________________ |
THIS Is "Business" News"?!!
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Duration: 220 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-17 06:10:13 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
Neil Cavuto , FOX News' resident voyeur, outdid himself on May 16th. He scheduled an interview with porn star Mary Carey and she ended up making a pass at him! Comments at www.newshounds.us |
Comments | |
FilmTeller ::: Favorites Goodness gracious... That is hilarious! What really freaks me out is that I agreed with much of what Mary Carey said in regards to Paris. She sort of made sense. However, what does Mary Carey's opinion about Paris Hilton have to do with economics? Other than video sales maybe... 07-05-17 06:21:36 _____________________________________________________ |
Hannity Gets Disproportionate Time, Pt 2
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Duration: 207 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-07 01:47:14 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
In this second part of the discussion with pollster Frank Luntz about the Republican presidential candidates' debate, Sean Hannity gets almost 3 minutes of time, Alan Colmes less than 1. From the 8/6/07 Hannity & Colmes. Comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/08/07/in_debate_analysis_hannity_gets_far_more_time_than_colmes.php |
Factor Host Michelle Malkin fears "Sharia creep"
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Duration: 403 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-05 01:00:33 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
...because KCI accomodated Muslims by installing "foot bath." |
Comments | |
DemianThomas ::: Favorites Is it just me, or is her mic turned up about three notches more than the other guys. It's easy to appear to have won an argument when you so easily overpower their voice. Booming voices carry a connotation of authority, without any reasoned grounds acceptance. When Malkin Talks it is impossible to hear the other guy. 07-05-05 01:43:04 _____________________________________________________ |
Hannity Shills for Big Pharma & Health Insurance Industries
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Duration: 373 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-18 06:58:25 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
http://www.newshounds.us Michael Moore's new expose of the American health insurance industry is set to be released in theaters on June 29th. On June 17, 2007 company man and FOX News shill Sean Hannity kicked off what is bound to become a firestorm of invective directed against Moore. Comment at www.newshounds.us |
Cambio Radical - Belén tiene la tripa llena de estrías
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Duration: 95 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-20 07:11:01 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/cambioradical El problema de Belén es el pecho y la tripa.Tras el embarazo de su primer hijo, en el que cogió 19 kilos la tripa se le llenó de estrías. |
Comments | |
anamami ::: Favorites jajajajja 07-05-01 14:53:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
pako1689 ::: Favorites no se si reir o llorar como se puede tener tan poca personalidad , con un hijo y sigue siendo superficial hasta donde vamos a llegar 07-05-07 10:02:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
cristinuka93 ::: Favorites jajajaja 07-05-11 11:27:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
Caramelito2006 ::: Favorites Yo no estoy en contra de la cirugia estetica pero las razones de esta tipa me parecen un poco decadente. Porque mierda no se cuido durante el embarazo? Y aparte lo que le habra dicho al ninio para que este se sienta culpable... cuando la responsabilidad es solo suya... lo de los pechos lo entiendo, pobre mujer, no tiene nada sinceramente. 07-05-12 18:03:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
killahbubble ::: Favorites pobres niños, en qué ambiente más superficial se están criando, cuando sean mayores de edad no se verán más que defectos y también se operarán como su materialista madre. Solo espero que no se queden en la mesa de operaciones. Ah y hay muchas personas a las que les pasan cosas mil veces más duras que tener una tripa fea eh??hay madres que no tienen dinero para dar de comer a sus hijos y ven como mueren lentamente entre sus brazos.Por dios! 07-05-18 14:13:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
martitald ::: Favorites pero q triste pobre niño... O.O coño si no le gusta su tripa q no mire y q se ponga sugetadores con reyeno ¬¬ 07-05-18 17:56:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
seitaridiss ::: Favorites menuda caprichosa 07-05-24 03:13:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
vickylandia ::: Favorites con lo fea que es debería agradecer al cielo que alguien se la pescó y le hizo el favorcito... imbécil, debería haberse operado la cara porque está re fea y la cabeza porque es una estúpida... no pensó cuando se la follaron porqué culpar a su hijo... hija de putaaaa!!!! 07-06-02 17:42:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
jeannie1 ::: Favorites You people are so mean! She feels deformed due to child birth. You can take care of your self and still get stretch marks. Y para ustedes los ombre ablan tanta mierda porque cuando ven a una mujer con senos y nalga en tele or porn se ponen locos sin importarles si son fake or real.... estupidos. 07-06-06 11:22:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
vejete ::: Favorites Lo unico que quiero es arreglarme la tripa 07-07-04 00:15:17 _____________________________________________________ |
Kristol says we are not in a civil war in Iraq
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Duration: 22 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-15 10:30:24 User: faizshakir :::: Favorites |
Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol discussed Iraq on Fox News |
Comments | |
IraqDidNothing2USA ::: Favorites LIARS!!! 07-07-15 17:26:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
gerry301 ::: Favorites Ahhh, the truth, what they don't want you to hear. 07-07-15 20:36:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
NoFaithTheist ::: Favorites That guy has sold out so much he doesn't even know what the truth is anymore. Is that guy in the CFR? His bullshit smells the same. 07-07-16 10:12:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
rhpaulite ::: Favorites RON PAUL 2008!!! Live free or die! 07-07-29 17:00:39 _____________________________________________________ |
Best of Will Kirby #19
Inside Scoop on First-Quarter Earnings
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Duration: 227 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-30 11:49:03 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Ashwani Kaul, senior research analyst at Reuters, offers his perspective on what has been an impressive earnings season so far. |
Wall St. Confidential: Cramer's 20% Spec Rule
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Duration: 258 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-19 15:45:50 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Speculative names keep investors tied to their portfolio. |
Los Hombres de Paco - El procedimiento
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Duration: 136 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-15 10:52:20 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/LosHombresDePaco Mariano tiene que examinar a sus hombres para ver a cual de ellos tiene que trasladar. Ellos le boicotean las pruebas |
Comments | |
dicren2 ::: Favorites asi me gusta antena 3, subiendo los videos antes de que lo agan los usuarios xDD 07-03-15 12:55:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
31121992 ::: Favorites antena 3 es la mejor television española hoy en dia 07-03-15 13:22:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Alvaroguty ::: Favorites a mi me gusta mas la sexta no se pone a fabor de ningun partido politico 07-03-15 14:53:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
SIRONBOY ::: Favorites Los hombres de Paco es una buena serie a veces no lo puedo ver hacen bien en poner los videos en you tube gracias a todos los que suben videos de esta serie 07-03-17 12:23:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Guadalone ::: Favorites Vivan "LoS HoMbReS dE pAcO" Mas Por Favor ... Pregunta Se puede ligar por aqui? 07-03-17 18:08:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
JuandaYjd ::: Favorites ¡La mejor serie! Los hombres de paco xD 07-03-24 12:08:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
KristinaFueraFacha3 ::: Favorites Los Hombres de Paco es una serie malisima como todas las series que ha tenido Facha 3 excepto Aqui no hay quien viva y Farmacia de Guardia. Sois la peor television de España y del mundo entero, no valeis nada vuestra programacion es una puta mierda mañana tarde y noche!! 07-04-03 11:41:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
siriusblacktk ::: Favorites jajajajajaja q lokos estan xDD 07-04-10 14:56:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
AndresDrakulAlcaide ::: Favorites Esta serie parte!!! Don Lorenzo, Mariano y Povedilla son insuperables jajajajaja. Tenéis razón, Antena 3 se sale, pero prefiero la sexta por lo mismo que han dicho antes. 07-06-24 11:08:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
elboro5 ::: Favorites se pove coñoooo er mejonnn 07-08-04 13:04:56 _____________________________________________________ |
Noticias - Apartamento del Futuro
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Duration: 73 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-27 10:27:55 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://antena3noticias.com Este diseñador de interiores y fanático de Startrek ha diseñado este apartamento del futuro en el que las luces se activan con la voz, el hilo musical se activa con las yemas de los dedos. Ahora lo ha puesto a la venta en un conocido portal de subastas de Internet. |
Comments | |
gilrobertopan ::: Favorites Alerta: Antena 3 este martes 28 marzo 2007 cayó a su dato mas bajo con 14,8% de share en el dia. Si es que se veia venir.. los de antena 3 no espabilan.. ¿¿como van a mantenerse a la altura emitiendo pelis y mas pelis??. Tienen que dedicarlo mas a que produzcan mas series españolas para los prime-times como versiones españolizadas sobre El Codigo Da vinci, la serie 24, Los Soprano, la serie Dexter: Forense asesino, entre otras series americanas para que sean adaptadas aqui en España. 07-03-28 10:37:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
LidiG95 ::: Favorites k t den pesado 07-03-29 16:13:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
0ruben0 ::: Favorites la verdad es que A3 tiene muy poca programacion que valga la pena las series fatales menos Los simpsons todo lo demas malo a ver si aprenden de cuatro programas mediocres y muchas pelis 07-03-30 10:04:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
gemmapalaciosnick ::: Favorites A ver si algunos que trabajen en Antena 3 lo leen y lo envian al personal de Antena 3. Estan pasando momentos muy debiles en audiencia sobretodo en la tarde. Tendrian que mejorar las mañanas y sus tardes: 9.00 ESPEJO PUBLICO (con Matias Prats, Roberto Arce, Lourdes Maldonado, que colaboren de vez en cuando conductores de infos) 11.00 LOS+BUSCADOS 12.30 RULETA 14.00 SIMPSONS 15.00 NOTICIAS (idea: alargar las noticias hasta las 5 de la tarde, para que de 4 a 5 se enfrente a Aqui hay tomate) 07-04-01 13:11:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
KristinaFueraFacha3 ::: Favorites Para mi Facha 3 es el peor canal de España. Tiene pesima programacion tan solo emiten pelis y pelis, pocas series y malas. Parece una televisión local. Sus mañanas y sus sobremesas estan aun por definir, y lo rellenan con repeticiones de series. Al menos los otros canales tienen una parrilla asentada y emiten buenas series. Telecinco emitirá programas malos pero por otra parte lo compensa emitiendo buenas series, no como Facha 3 que emite programas malos y series malas, nada vale la pena 07-04-03 09:53:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
gatonegro1985 ::: Favorites en las noticias de a3 dan 5 minutos de información partidista y luego 25 minutos de polladas y noticias chorras, dsde luego...k asco 07-06-27 19:23:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
113brillantinas ::: Favorites no se entiendo un joraca 07-07-02 16:46:19 _____________________________________________________ |