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Duration: 03:28 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-26 10:49:38 User: newchapterfilms :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is one of my favorite songs by Underoath and since they didn't make a music video for this song, I figure I'd try since I had some ideas. I play all the roles in this and did most of the camera work myself. This is the first music video I've ever made. |
Comments | |
jar4007 ::: Favorites nice. pretty good job for doing it yourself. 07-09-09 19:33:46 __________________________________________________ | |
insanescissors ::: Favorites That's really awesome. =] Keep doing stuff like this, and you'll be MY hero. :D 07-09-02 23:09:47 __________________________________________________ | |
billgrip ::: Favorites You should make this a video response to the Hardcore Life Video...because that is pretty popular already. 07-09-02 00:32:42 __________________________________________________ | |
boylover116 ::: Favorites josh you are so amazing! you like never go on aim! talk to me 07-09-01 17:18:42 __________________________________________________ | |
HeHeBIRDS ::: Favorites your also in the jerek and josh show now I know who you are josh! thanks for making those shows! 07-08-31 07:01:01 __________________________________________________ | |
majikninja219 ::: Favorites i fucking LOVE underoath 07-08-30 16:22:49 __________________________________________________ | |
NormaJeanIsInsane777 ::: Favorites sweet! dude, your good at this stuff. what program do you use? 07-08-30 16:07:41 __________________________________________________ | |
thenailers ::: Favorites dude... i liked how you screamed at yourself!!! i like the mass usage of greenscreen effects, your getting alot better :) 07-08-27 22:17:26 __________________________________________________ | |
Brick444 ::: Favorites pretty good... for a robot 07-08-26 12:46:15 __________________________________________________ | |
billgrip ::: Favorites That was sweet! You better keep making more stuff like that. 07-08-26 11:21:30 __________________________________________________ |
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Underoath-Moving For The Sake of Motion Music Video
Zorro La Espada Y La Rosa Capitulo 109 Completo!!
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Duration: 41:10 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-19 13:45:27 User: mastercam1 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Pues aca lo tienen!!!BLOG DEL ZORRO YA TIENE TODOS LOS CAPIS!!QUE FALTABAN http://zorrolapesdaylarosa.blogspot.com/ Gran Final Lunes 23 de Julio Gracias a Master-Ripper- grabarlo MasterCam1- subir a youtube |
Comments | |
haedodirector ::: Favorites La verdad que esta comedia es lo maximo me estoy convirtiendo en una vieja novelera !!! 07-09-07 14:35:06 __________________________________________________ | |
xinikitita ::: Favorites mastercam1 eres el mejor!!!podrias colgar capitulos enteros de HOUSE,BONES,CROSSING JORDAN,MENTES CRIMINALES...SERIES AMERICANAS 07-08-22 10:32:39 __________________________________________________ | |
lovebugscamera ::: Favorites me encanta esta novela,es genial!!!la unica ke me gusta mas ke esta es la de la tormenta,x cierto alguien la tiene entera?xfa informadme k me encanta!xao bss 07-08-16 14:07:36 __________________________________________________ | |
cristinacuellar ::: Favorites joer con los canibales esos!!! dan miedo...xDDD besos desde españa 07-08-16 12:42:22 __________________________________________________ | |
laroket1 ::: Favorites Un poco recauchutada jejeje, pero sí es cierto. Rápido, necesito el nombre de su peluquero, porqueeee ¡vaya fijador que se gasta!es que no se despeina ni con un secuestro de ná. Buenooo, sí, cuando se cae al río, pero vamos, que le aguanta. Casi tanto como a la marquesa de Laroket, jejeje, vaya piano que llevaba enla cabeza. Viva los peluqueros de la nobleza!! 07-08-16 10:05:36 __________________________________________________ | |
vadoper ::: Favorites cui m encanta acias 07-08-07 17:32:56 __________________________________________________ | |
jjjhost ::: Favorites Que bonita esta la reina es una mujer preciosa!!!! 07-08-05 14:53:37 __________________________________________________ | |
Triciamontoya ::: Favorites No eran los canibales sino las pirañas no??? cuando se cayo al rio. 07-07-28 07:16:48 __________________________________________________ | |
Triciamontoya ::: Favorites Que hace Esmeralda rescatando al zorro vestida asi??? super incomoda y bien arreglada osea! 07-07-28 07:13:48 __________________________________________________ | |
furfluyo ::: Favorites no todavia keda un pokito 07-07-24 17:26:41 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 02:43 minutes Upload Time: 06-06-03 16:24:22 User: 17share :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 楚留香 曲:顾嘉辉词:黄霑编:顾嘉辉 湖海洗我胸襟 河山飘我影踪 云彩挥去却不去 赢得一身清风 尘沾不上心间 情牵不到此心中 来得安去也写意 人生休说苦痛 聚散匆匆莫牵挂 未记风波中英雄勇 就让浮名轻抛剑外 千山我独行不必相送啊... 独行不必相送 |
Comments | |
xiuqin24 ::: Favorites 别防碍老奶奶看戏!啊!翡翠台也大不如前,香港现在的编剧也是中国人吗?新加坡这边没得看广东戏,粤语片都得租,麻烦得很!所以啦!年轻人!要懂得珍惜福份!唉!东逝流水不复返!乖乖看戏!啊???唉。。。。。。。。。 07-07-21 17:50:59 __________________________________________________ | |
xiuqin24 ::: Favorites Can you say the same phrase to your boss :"Who gives the damn ?" . Then , there will be no promotion / pay raise for you , little boy . Go and learn more useful ways of communication . Anyway , let's stop quarreling and watch Zheng Shao Qiu . Cause , actors and actresses from his generation also growing old . 07-07-21 17:38:35 __________________________________________________ | |
sensimontao ::: Favorites you've got too much ego. 07-07-21 08:56:18 __________________________________________________ | |
sensimontao ::: Favorites who gives the damn. 07-07-21 08:55:20 __________________________________________________ | |
sensimontao ::: Favorites "think thrice before you act"-you should pay attention to your spelling as well, granny. 07-07-21 08:54:41 __________________________________________________ | |
xiuqin24 ::: Favorites Mandarin is spelled m-a-n-d-a-r-i-n , get it ???? If I am your mother , I'll yank down one hundred times of rottan sticks on your buttocks ! Do you know it is very impolite and rude to use foul language ????? And very unlucky as well to curse and swear , huh ????? Waste time to watch TV , no time to study ?????? Put your brain into good use , not wasting precious youthful time on useless stuff ! Sigh ! What is the school teaching nowadays ?????? 07-07-17 20:59:30 __________________________________________________ | |
xiuqin24 ::: Favorites Little boy , you all are a real disgrace to Chinese . Couldn't even handle any single language well and bare all your shortcomings with whatever you write . For heaven's sake , think thrice before you act 。Your teacher never teach you in school : "自暴其短、祸从口出、彬彬有礼!"老奶奶没有这么大的宽容之心跟粗野的孩子评头论足!你的笔名还真对你的人格:"没头没脑"Montao!ばかろ!!!!しゃめに!!!!!! 07-07-17 19:30:08 __________________________________________________ | |
xiuqin24 ::: Favorites Faggots everywhere, incorrect spelling , still want to type comments . Go back to school and study hard , insufferable brats !!!!!! 07-07-17 19:20:04 __________________________________________________ | |
sensimontao ::: Favorites then, you should fucken learn madarin before your time comes. 07-07-17 08:45:12 __________________________________________________ | |
xiuqin24 ::: Favorites 21世纪,一大堆不会思考的电脑儿童、青少年!可悲!唉。。。。。。。。。 07-07-16 21:24:06 __________________________________________________ |
Cada Segundo Que Eu Tinha
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Duration: 04:38 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-04 16:16:05 User: thurbomusic :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Edição final do videoclipe produzido por Thurbo Music. Disponível para compra no single! |
Comments | |
francielih ::: Favorites aiii muito massa + é + legal acustico a musica ^^ 07-09-06 20:43:41 __________________________________________________ | |
bsbrbdhanson ::: Favorites Cada segundo q eu tinhaaa.... amei a musica uhullll 07-08-28 13:40:00 __________________________________________________ | |
avriljana ::: Favorites naum consigo para de ouvi essa musica huhuhu 07-08-22 13:17:07 __________________________________________________ | |
avriljana ::: Favorites foda 07-08-20 14:30:52 __________________________________________________ | |
aninisz ::: Favorites minhas meninas!!! *-* 07-08-19 16:10:12 __________________________________________________ | |
erisativa ::: Favorites fala serio neh!!as minas tinham q ser do abc!!ateh a galera do jpao escuta lipstick vcs sabiam? 07-08-16 04:04:03 __________________________________________________ | |
mazinhahfernandes ::: Favorites mto perfeito *-* 07-08-09 23:53:41 __________________________________________________ | |
pauliiissima ::: Favorites Foda ! (y) 07-08-02 12:45:42 __________________________________________________ | |
guinoma1 ::: Favorites bom ;D 07-07-30 23:25:23 __________________________________________________ | |
mininalavigne ::: Favorites como sempre as gurias arrebentando... (e a Dedê linda como sempre ^^) Lipstick 4ever brow!!! 07-07-28 17:40:04 __________________________________________________ |
Zhang Ziyi-Visa Ad-Dining Out
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Duration: 02:59 minutes Upload Time: 06-03-24 23:19:08 User: curious13april :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: The soup is too salty... IT ! IS ! NOT ! TOO ! SALTY ! |
Comments | |
HamsterDaddy ::: Favorites You look like Zhang Ziyi?? You are one lucky lady!! 07-09-01 21:36:36 __________________________________________________ | |
Puntonghua ::: Favorites There is only 1 thing better than a woman that can kick your ass.... adn that is -----> A chinese woman that can kick your ass :-D 07-08-31 20:37:21 __________________________________________________ | |
alessandragrlshyy ::: Favorites Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM 07-08-25 12:56:09 __________________________________________________ | |
whittyrabbit ::: Favorites great commericial idea! i love her partly cause I been told i look like her in my real life alot! 07-07-31 00:47:47 __________________________________________________ | |
dellgard ::: Favorites beautiful and a sense of humor- thank you 07-07-23 16:22:20 __________________________________________________ | |
lacieles ::: Favorites A LOL Video. Does anybody know the opening title performed by the violinists? If I'm not mistaken it's by J.S.Bach... 07-07-10 12:47:24 __________________________________________________ | |
LadyInDaHouse88 ::: Favorites looool she's so cool! XD 07-07-01 08:18:39 __________________________________________________ | |
jumpyouanytime2 ::: Favorites LOL she so pretty 07-06-30 22:39:56 __________________________________________________ | |
kyootnshort ::: Favorites this commercial is so cool. 07-06-25 17:50:57 __________________________________________________ | |
Metalasaurus ::: Favorites I love this commerical. Zhang Ziyi is the best. 07-06-01 13:05:25 __________________________________________________ |
Robot Chicken - ET's Mother.
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Duration: 00:9 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-27 19:23:53 User: osvvald :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: After all these years, ET has yet to phone home and his mother is worried sick. |
Comments | |
blackfog6676 ::: Favorites ╔╗╔═╦╗ ║╚╣║║╚╗ ╚═╩═╩═╝ 07-09-05 16:46:44 __________________________________________________ | |
captinbuggie ::: Favorites wat about it? 07-07-10 23:15:43 __________________________________________________ | |
omgtkkyb1992 ::: Favorites 9 seconds? 07-07-10 21:20:01 __________________________________________________ | |
monkeybutts765 ::: Favorites that was freaking funny!!! lol!!! 07-07-07 21:24:32 __________________________________________________ | |
captinbuggie ::: Favorites nope just a kid with a dreeam of bein a lazy rock star.... 07-07-07 16:49:35 __________________________________________________ | |
osvvald ::: Favorites Your life must be pretty demanding if 9 seconds of time is a 'collasal' waste. Heart surgeon? Stockbroker? 07-07-07 11:52:00 __________________________________________________ | |
osvvald ::: Favorites You're right - I stole it from you who stole it from Cartoon Network. Don't that make sense? 07-07-07 11:50:02 __________________________________________________ | |
monkeybutts765 ::: Favorites AWESOME!!!LOL!! 07-07-06 21:35:39 __________________________________________________ | |
captinbuggie ::: Favorites well that was a collasal waste of time....next...vid... 07-07-06 03:53:07 __________________________________________________ | |
Katana991 ::: Favorites That was pretty clever. XD 07-07-05 23:09:53 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 05:33 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-16 06:44:32 User: SHAPED38 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: ZARA YANDI BAGRIM |
Comments | |
kelkitli83 ::: Favorites zara birtane!!! 07-09-14 19:19:35 __________________________________________________ | |
pomiks ::: Favorites bu sarkiyi ne zmandir ariyordum yukleyen arkadasa cok tesekkur ederim.. 07-09-09 10:13:07 __________________________________________________ | |
sinoplufatih57 ::: Favorites yemez o adam seni:)) korkma 07-09-02 07:09:13 __________________________________________________ | |
sinoplufatih57 ::: Favorites güzel bir çalışma 07-09-02 07:06:56 __________________________________________________ | |
northpoleangel ::: Favorites insan olan insan biliri insanı.... değerini SEVİYORUM BU TÜRKÜYÜ..... 07-08-25 06:06:23 __________________________________________________ | |
gsanem06 ::: Favorites zaraya bayılıyorum bu klibide süper ama iri oynayan adamdan korktuğum için bu klibi simge durumunda izliyorum itiraf ediyim............... 07-08-10 04:47:13 __________________________________________________ | |
duobooster ::: Favorites HA HA ! ilk yazan benim catlayin... Nestersiz yüregimi yerinden söken tek kadinsin NESE`m. 07-08-04 12:18:53 __________________________________________________ |
The Blake Lewis "CHAOS REMIX" feat. DJ KDC
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Duration: 02:03 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-27 17:49:19 User: tvjunkiesdotcom :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: A Special Tribute from tv-junkies-dotcom - Spin The Bottle's very own DJ KDC pulls clips from several different American Idol (Season 6) episodes (featurning the uber-talented Blake Lewis)to give us "You Give Love A Bad Name - The CHAOS remix" Produced at Spin The Bottle in New York City |
Comments | |
lilmanda955 ::: Favorites I love him!!!! This video is awesome nice job! 07-08-18 21:29:54 __________________________________________________ | |
ellemenno3000 ::: Favorites This was the BEST season because of HIM!!! 07-08-15 19:50:39 __________________________________________________ | |
ellemenno3000 ::: Favorites sweeeeet! 07-07-22 17:09:09 __________________________________________________ | |
TrueFan4Ever ::: Favorites this is such a tight remix, great job 07-07-21 16:30:59 __________________________________________________ | |
potterxxfever ::: Favorites this is freaking awesommmmmmmme. 07-07-18 23:46:33 __________________________________________________ | |
GSHORTY1 ::: Favorites That was awesome! 07-07-17 18:54:15 __________________________________________________ | |
GSHORTY1 ::: Favorites what are you talking about? He's sooo sexy in it! lol 07-07-17 18:53:38 __________________________________________________ | |
iloveblake101 ::: Favorites i heard he is :D im soooo excited!!!!!! except he wears a really ugly janitors outfit type thing :( 07-07-09 15:07:16 __________________________________________________ | |
LindsayJenna93 ::: Favorites I really hope he does you give love a bad name on the tour! Love you Blake!! 07-07-05 09:50:44 __________________________________________________ | |
kendoqv2k ::: Favorites pretty cool 07-07-04 12:01:59 __________________________________________________ |
♦~'*♫*'~♦♦ღ°Upside Down ♦~'*♫*'~♦
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Duration: 03:15 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-14 13:13:21 User: Hanna467 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: ღsong Upside Downღ |
Comments | |
Hanna467 ::: Favorites ^Thx!!!xD 07-09-07 11:46:49 __________________________________________________ | |
InsaneZidane12 ::: Favorites VERY CUTE XD 07-09-03 16:33:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Hanna467 ::: Favorites ^^thanx you^^ 07-08-01 04:46:32 __________________________________________________ | |
mysisterisaloser ::: Favorites i love the song!! the pic is cute! 07-07-26 13:02:10 __________________________________________________ | |
Crescentpheonix ::: Favorites Love the pic and the song!!! 07-07-17 16:13:36 __________________________________________________ | |
Hanna467 ::: Favorites ^^thanke^^Hanni^^ 07-07-17 07:38:48 __________________________________________________ | |
angelzx ::: Favorites sweet =) 07-07-17 04:16:04 __________________________________________________ | |
RockTheLee ::: Favorites nice done, good work 07-07-16 17:19:57 __________________________________________________ | |
JCNeutron16 ::: Favorites i love this!!! 07-07-16 14:33:54 __________________________________________________ | |
jelloegg ::: Favorites Who sings this? I want to download it! 07-07-15 15:34:36 __________________________________________________ |
Novak Djokovic - Guillermo Canas Miami 2007 Final
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Duration: 07:07 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-02 09:43:06 User: bangeciao :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Last game in the match!!! Serb teenager Novak Djokovic became the youngest champion in the 23-year history of the Sony Ericsson Open when he defeated Argentine qualifier Guillermo Canas 6-3, 6-2, 6-4 to win his first ATP Masters Series title. |
Comments | |
mjoe1111211 ::: Favorites very funny fucker.. get a life with ur fucking link 07-08-31 21:17:01 __________________________________________________ | |
CzechFarm3r ::: Favorites Hey guys, search for the video "Crazy Novak Djokovic tennis", a must-see for all Djokovic fans! 07-08-20 10:55:35 __________________________________________________ | |
Hewitt94 ::: Favorites what a championship point i love his forehand his best! 07-07-27 10:30:11 __________________________________________________ | |
RulaFederer ::: Favorites Cañas falopero culiao 07-06-18 04:42:28 __________________________________________________ | |
PabloArgentum ::: Favorites They are amezing 07-05-29 18:11:09 __________________________________________________ | |
mjlodina ::: Favorites he is a great player! even fed and rafa said that! he should be on the top quite soon! :) napred nole!!! 07-05-12 03:42:02 __________________________________________________ | |
frederer ::: Favorites he shld be able to knock out federer 07-04-04 12:48:51 __________________________________________________ | |
Majlo333 ::: Favorites kakav debil komentator 07-04-03 22:57:44 __________________________________________________ | |
SrBiX ::: Favorites Jos jedan veliki razlog sto mogu da budem ponosan SRBIN!! svaka cast majstore..samo tako 07-04-03 03:17:34 __________________________________________________ | |
bokisa007 ::: Favorites bravo majstore! 07-04-03 00:28:40 __________________________________________________ |
Outwork - Elektro
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Duration: 03:15 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-12 14:14:11 User: new1313new :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Outwork - Elektro mix |
Comments | |
stame1 ::: Favorites well,if you like this vid,check out groove armada's-I see you baby(original)!! 07-09-11 15:27:14 __________________________________________________ | |
stame1 ::: Favorites ow..women can be so gracefully devilish..;-) 07-09-11 15:18:16 __________________________________________________ | |
stame1 ::: Favorites yes,good tune but without these girls might be a boring video... 07-09-11 15:13:53 __________________________________________________ | |
MiK3i ::: Favorites oh and there is no 'better' or 'sexier' girl, theyre all just as nice as eachother lol but it is quite typical how all people can comment on is the girls, when the tune is great itself... :):) 07-09-08 17:36:35 __________________________________________________ | |
MiK3i ::: Favorites aww great tune! 07-09-08 17:34:11 __________________________________________________ | |
hadikiraly ::: Favorites lecsó mindörökké XDXD 07-09-07 16:19:11 __________________________________________________ | |
ronipioson ::: Favorites The gurl with tha white and the girl with the red rulzz 07-09-06 18:34:46 __________________________________________________ | |
pilluregis ::: Favorites TARELLA!!! 07-09-04 20:42:40 __________________________________________________ | |
cpm260589 ::: Favorites Blue Bikini Girl... Soo Hot! 07-09-04 10:33:10 __________________________________________________ | |
maaitraa ::: Favorites maaitraa mütiş yahu 07-09-03 09:15:42 __________________________________________________ |
Esma'ül Hüsna (Allah'ın İsimleri)
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Duration: 07:28 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-02 15:53:50 User: sapinuvaserdar :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Esma'ül Hüsna (Allah'ın İsimleri) |
Comments | |
can2106 ::: Favorites ay inanmiyorum ya bu derece guzel bi videoyada da kotu yorumlar var.o kotu sozleri bu video hatrina bari soylemeyin kardesim.youtubenin civisi cikmis 07-09-14 16:35:00 __________________________________________________ | |
serdarizma ::: Favorites ALLAH (C.C.)Sen DEN Razı Olsun ABım 07-09-13 13:17:17 __________________________________________________ | |
polatbaris ::: Favorites ALLAH (c.c) bizi affetsin yoksa o kadar günahkarızki eğer içimiz dışımıza çevrilse hz Eyüp'ten bile daha kötü durumdayız.Hayırlı ramazanlar 07-09-13 11:15:50 __________________________________________________ | |
utkumert1987 ::: Favorites ama biz napıyoruz sadece ramazandadinimiz aklımza geliyo onun dışındaallahın bu dünyaya erkek olarak getirdigi ve allahıma isyan edin ona karşı gelerrek cinsi belli olmayan bi yaratıka dönmüş onun agzının içine düşüyoruz,allah yardımcımız olsun,aklımızı korusun,,artıkaklımızı sadece belden aşşagı olaylara kaptırmayalım arkladaşlarım,hayırlı ramazanlar bu gün ramazanın 1 . günü kendinize ii bakın,çevrenizede bualemde tek bi yaşamıyoruz 07-09-13 04:35:11 __________________________________________________ | |
utkumert1987 ::: Favorites ama bu söylediklerim türk toplumundaki gençlik için çokuzak çünkü adamın aklı bülent ersoydan başkasınaçlışmıyo kiminle evlendiginin peşinde dolaşıyor,yapacaklarını söylüyorum bunlara savaş açacaksın açtıracaksın,izlemiyceksin izletmiyeceksin,bi süre sonra butoplumun bunlardan nasıl igrendigini görüp onlarda düzelecekler, 07-09-13 04:34:35 __________________________________________________ | |
utkumert1987 ::: Favorites birazcıkda olsa aklımızı başımıza toplayıp dünyadaki kardeşlerimize sahip çıksakda,artık dinimizi hayatımızın her alanına sokabilsek işde o gün böyle yaradandan ötürü güzel olan en basitinden bi videoyu bile dogal karşılarız,işde o gün bu dünya nasıl bir hırıstiyan toplumun elinden söke söke aldıgımız kudüsü yine bu gün boynu bükük bir it gibi bize teslim edip önümüzde egilirler, 07-09-13 04:33:23 __________________________________________________ | |
feronight ::: Favorites allah hepımızın yolunu acık etsın ve butun muslumanları korusun bu vıdeo ıcın tesekkurlerr ( allah turku ve Muslumanları Korusun ) 07-09-12 15:06:47 __________________________________________________ | |
allyclinch ::: Favorites stv de hep yarım gösterirlerdi ramazanda, böyle bütün halinde izlemek çok hoş tşk ederim 07-09-09 18:39:35 __________________________________________________ | |
bursalailacafe ::: Favorites Ellerine saglık kardeşim 07-09-05 13:13:24 __________________________________________________ | |
masumiyetvesen ::: Favorites kardes ellerine saglik bunu ezberlemeyi calisiyordum artik dinleye dinleye daha kolay ezberlerim selam ve dua ile :) 07-09-03 15:09:00 __________________________________________________ |
Big Brother 8 USA Episode 17 Part 1
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Duration: 05:03 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-13 19:52:08 User: TVWeatherPolitics :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Aired August 12, 2007 |
Comments | |
musicizforeva ::: Favorites y do they even let a father and daughter to still be there? thats just dumb 07-08-17 22:09:33 __________________________________________________ | |
princesslotr123 ::: Favorites Eric is f*cking disgusting! I hope he leaves soon! Get him out! He's a twisted little shit. 07-08-14 16:03:29 __________________________________________________ | |
mattklotz ::: Favorites Ummm this game is about lying...Everyone does in the history of Big Brother. It is impossible not to and even have a hope of winning. 07-08-14 14:39:05 __________________________________________________ | |
stewieaddict13 ::: Favorites LIARSSSSSSSSSS eric and dustin get them out I HATE ERIC AND DUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! i personally have nothing against dick or jen i dnno why ppl hate them GET THE TWO FUCKING LIARS OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT i dnt wnna see their face 07-08-14 07:00:30 __________________________________________________ | |
temptedass ::: Favorites word.get them out! 07-08-14 02:52:37 __________________________________________________ | |
ElantraCar39 ::: Favorites I can't even stand the way Eric LOOKS. I've never disliked a cast so much! Eric and Dustin and DISGUSTING! Whiney, gross, lying. YUCK. 07-08-13 20:53:24 __________________________________________________ | |
hyphymatthew92 ::: Favorites Dick, go home! THANK YOU for posting this up. 07-08-13 20:29:54 __________________________________________________ |
gyururu! konoha annual sports festival!
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Duration: 03:53 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-17 13:30:23 User: camilacony :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: xD |
Comments | |
bumzrule123 ::: Favorites naruto is soo kawaii wen he's singing! ^^ this song always makes me happy!! 07-08-26 00:23:33 __________________________________________________ | |
narutometeor ::: Favorites I agree naruto has a cute singing voice even when hes just talking ;) 07-08-22 15:45:32 __________________________________________________ | |
yingelbell ::: Favorites That was weird o_0 07-08-09 06:47:02 __________________________________________________ | |
DarkFarie62 ::: Favorites 00:40 O.o YONDAIME LIVES!! XDD 07-07-22 12:00:12 __________________________________________________ | |
luvsimon16 ::: Favorites lol aww Naruto has such a cute voice XD --x-- 07-07-13 08:10:27 __________________________________________________ | |
cocoberry29 ::: Favorites the end was funny i love this song 07-05-01 07:17:32 __________________________________________________ | |
hs5hen ::: Favorites tnx....I had fun laughing~ ^^ 07-03-27 08:10:37 __________________________________________________ | |
yingelbell ::: Favorites Junko Takeuchi 07-03-26 09:11:39 __________________________________________________ | |
hs5hen ::: Favorites awesome....who is the artist of this song??? 07-03-24 05:19:46 __________________________________________________ | |
yingelbell ::: Favorites this is cutest song ever^^ 07-02-10 20:44:59 __________________________________________________ |
Halo Tribute Remix
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Duration: 03:22 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-20 11:22:09 User: ThaPhenomLuigi :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: song from motorhead - the game triple h theme song |
Comments | |
WorldchampMVP ::: Favorites TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! 07-09-12 23:37:24 __________________________________________________ | |
goldcoon ::: Favorites i bet triple h will come back at the great american bash or before summerslam 07-07-20 19:49:17 __________________________________________________ | |
axlxtrme ::: Favorites AWESOME 07-05-28 13:06:33 __________________________________________________ | |
keepingitfresh ::: Favorites KOOL 07-04-07 00:40:23 __________________________________________________ | |
ironiman5 ::: Favorites Nice! 07-04-05 13:21:22 __________________________________________________ | |
DarkPhillipXxX ::: Favorites holy crap i love halo and i the game is awesome so that makes this clip so freaking cool rock on TRIPLE H!! 07-01-28 15:07:17 __________________________________________________ | |
CJfromSanAndreas ::: Favorites well edited well done 07-01-20 22:31:43 __________________________________________________ |