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Duration: 00:23 minutes Upload Time: 06-06-13 21:22:02 User: faceless128 :::: Favorites |
This is a way to get to 99 lives by bouncing a shell between two hard places and letting Lakitu drop enemies. |
Comments | |
darkself ::: Favorites okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 06-06-22 17:38:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuperJusfighta2 ::: Favorites promise?! 06-06-25 15:29:07 _____________________________________________________ |
Monday, August 20, 2007
New Super Mario Bros World 2-2 1UP Loop
プリキュア5 01
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Duration: 02:45 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-01 10:15:38 User: youichi723 :::: Favorites |
ショーです。 みてみてみて~ |
Comments | |
MaximumBurst ::: Favorites もっと! お願い! 07-08-02 01:10:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
Redkun ::: Favorites 共有してくださってありがとうございます。 より多くのプリキュア5とキャラクターショーを共有してください。 07-08-02 22:21:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
Fir100 ::: Favorites 2 words: THANK U!! 07-08-03 04:01:20 _____________________________________________________ |
20070424中日X広島 森岡 凄い代走
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Duration: 01:24 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-24 08:54:21 User: morizo0407 :::: Favorites |
立浪に代わって代走 森岡 タイミングはアウトだが森岡の神業でセーフ |
Comments | |
temmet ::: Favorites thats imppresive the way he could slide then jump lol 07-04-25 22:39:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
baraclude ::: Favorites lol that guy holding the ball is so funny 07-04-25 22:48:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
meatmeatland ::: Favorites yeah, what good brakes he has to stop before the glove but what's funny is the batter, who jump to the pitch 07-04-26 00:04:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
azbballa8 ::: Favorites its because it was a hit and run play 07-04-26 02:22:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
u1tr4b1u3 ::: Favorites sugoi.awesome. 07-04-26 04:26:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
sugizo88 ::: Favorites LOL so funny hauahuhauhauh 可笑しいだね。。 07-04-26 05:34:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
sohndi ::: Favorites stupid second baseman!!! 07-04-28 10:04:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
yugo205 ::: Favorites -_- 07-04-28 12:49:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
ochimusha90 ::: Favorites ( ゚д゚)... (゚д゚) 07-05-01 09:58:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
nico077 ::: Favorites LOOOL 07-05-04 11:03:32 _____________________________________________________ |
ハリーポッターと不死鳥の騎士団 04
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Duration: 07:12 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-16 10:49:43 User: youichi723 :::: Favorites |
お@ま@た@せ^-^ |
Comments | |
kunkun24 ::: Favorites 新しい動画をたしてほしいっす>< 07-08-16 12:09:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
youichi723 ::: Favorites どもども。えっと~ つづきってことかな?? 07-08-16 12:14:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
kunkun24 ::: Favorites 気になって寝れなくなるッす><よろしくおねがいします>< 07-08-16 12:15:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
kunkun24 ::: Favorites よろしくおねがいします>< 07-08-16 12:36:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
pawapoke7 ::: Favorites 最高です。 マルコイ...、 ありがとうございます!!!youichi723 さん!!! <m(__)m> 07-08-19 12:45:15 _____________________________________________________ |
DeM So...BlaZiN'
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Duration: 02:29 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-28 19:54:46 User: KaYLisS :::: Favorites |
Le CreW En MoDe TraiNinG En MoDe DanCeHaLL StyLe, TouT En DéLiiiiRe !!!! Ca BouGe ! Ca BouGe ! D10CasS à Mé GyalS ;-) |
Comments | |
badkeyniiscrew ::: Favorites super! 07-05-12 08:54:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
lady4u1 ::: Favorites wats the name of this song 07-05-16 19:38:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Desthy971 ::: Favorites WICKED! SELL OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! Keep doin ya ting, you'll go far! BIG UP to all Dancehall massive! 07-06-03 05:19:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
RHONDA26 ::: Favorites YA'LL GOT SKILLS 07-06-09 11:04:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
madibabygyalgwa ::: Favorites stylé 07-06-09 18:30:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
liljusta ::: Favorites vs dansez trp bien susu j'ai regard ttes vos videos & franchement vs Gré 07-07-05 17:53:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
kaymsi95 ::: Favorites franchement les meuf vou danser tro b1 un truc de ouf moi je danse kome vous tkt je gere 07-08-07 14:41:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
kaymsi95 ::: Favorites franchemen les meuf vous danser tro b1 vous gerer sisi 07-08-07 14:43:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
mllesane ::: Favorites vOUs ETES les meilleurs les gyals ;) bravo... 07-08-09 11:49:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
m3tiiss3tt3 ::: Favorites i love kryss !! 07-08-14 07:03:08 _____________________________________________________ |
Adam Małysz trzeci w Klingenthal!!! BRAWO ADAŚ!!!
The Storm - Este mundo
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Duration: 05:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-11 22:26:01 User: gnrbc :::: Favorites |
Tema del grupo sevillano The Storm con imágenes que espero hagan reflexionar a más de uno y que nunca se tenían que haber producido. |
Comments | |
luislaa ::: Favorites Sufrieron en carne propia lo mismo que ellos propagan por el mundo, destruccion!. Tienen el poder y lo van a perder. 07-08-11 23:21:03 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 08:25 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-10 07:18:38 User: jpeg77 :::: Favorites |
Tutti i gol di Napoli Treviso col commento audio originale di Gianluca Di Marzio e Beppe Savoldi da Sky. |
Comments | |
minotaurussss ::: Favorites MAGICO NAPOLI! 07-05-22 15:00:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
89partenopeo89 ::: Favorites e ki se la scorda quella giornata...mitico dalla bona...per quanto riguarda bucchi, che dire, bella illusione...! 07-06-09 06:22:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
ozzkat93 ::: Favorites napoli in A aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cm godo 07-06-11 11:22:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
NbaxlUnleashed ::: Favorites perque non fanno vedere serie b sur la rai 07-06-24 16:44:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
noisiamolacurvaB ::: Favorites dallanedved 07-06-26 08:02:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
giuseppe220690 ::: Favorites grande dalla bona non mi stankerò mai di vedere questo golasso!!!!!!!!! 07-06-27 12:50:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
DjjjRaf ::: Favorites MAMMAMIA..... 07-07-11 10:12:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
montanascarfacealpac ::: Favorites magico lo zio sammmmmm dalla bona 07-07-27 04:46:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
benanescas ::: Favorites mamma mia che gol dalla bona 07-07-31 11:14:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
LucaToni101 ::: Favorites treviso sonno numero uno 07-07-31 12:39:30 _____________________________________________________ |
An Offer for Jonas
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Duration: 04:02 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-05 10:59:54 User: acrowleyorder :::: Favorites |
Direct Transmission From: Gemma To: Jonas htpp://www.myspace.com/acrowleyorder |
Comments | |
kleeklai ::: Favorites Thanks, it's been bugging me for awhile :) 07-07-05 17:58:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
FFX2KH2Master ::: Favorites Hmph If you still care for Jonas as you say then why is it that Erica released video directly backing up what he fighting against. Part of me wants to trust you but I still don't know talk to me and tell me whats really going on. Do you still work of the order or not? 07-07-05 18:04:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
acrowleyorder ::: Favorites You I love the OoD but there is no reason why Daniel and Jonas need to get killed in this war. I still love Jonas and Erica is my best friend and is trying to help him before Victor gets to him. Gemma 07-07-05 18:50:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
ha1968 ::: Favorites I'm in London on a job. I hope it won't take long but something strange it going on here. Any chance of Victor moving you to Scotland? BH 07-07-05 19:00:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
ha1968 ::: Favorites You have a problem with the Devil? 07-07-05 19:01:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
ha1968 ::: Favorites Erica is a lot better looking then that drawing. It is to abstract. Erica is hot as hell. 07-07-05 19:03:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
wb530 ::: Favorites I really like the art and style of the video, you have very good taste! 07-07-05 19:57:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
FFX2KH2Master ::: Favorites Well then if you love Jonas than give back Bree or at least tell them where she is and stop messing around! I'm sorry, the thing you've almost persuaded me to trust you and Erica, I beleive that you aren't trying to hurt anyone but there is still the problem of Bree that still needs to be solved. I'm out of ideas of what to do, what do you think? 07-07-05 23:36:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
riverstyxshow ::: Favorites Looks like your snipers are pour shots. I think it's time you start paying attention to us. This is an open challenge from the iris network. 07-07-06 04:53:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
betz28 ::: Favorites I really think Jonas should talk with Erica!!! 07-07-06 17:40:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Take 1 of 'Feral Child' The White Scene
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Duration: 02:51 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-11 22:47:58 User: TomsterMusic :::: Favorites |
This isn't the video, it's just one take from it. I thought I might share a little bit of the making of this music video. It's going to be a lot different from this, these are just some ideas. It has already been very hard emotionally to make. It needs to be worthy of the story and the person it's about. Be sure to check out the finished video on the main page.. Thanks for watching. Tom |
Comments | |
adnerb924 ::: Favorites hey Tom! when are you going to post the final video? I want to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 07-07-11 23:51:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
TomsterMusic ::: Favorites Wow, thanks so much for coming here again! I think this video will take about a week.. I know it's a little different than other things you might be used to seeing from me.. But I sure hope you'll like it. Thanks again! Tom 07-07-12 00:00:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
adnerb924 ::: Favorites that's what i like...people doing different things ...stepping out of the box. I'll be online for the concert..or video posting thingy! :op 07-07-12 00:29:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
TheMeltingSnowman ::: Favorites I Loooooooove this song! Brilliant work fella! 07-07-12 04:32:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
TomsterMusic ::: Favorites Wow, thanks Gregstor! I've never made a song like this before, and it means so much that you guys are actually coming here.. and liking it. It's a true story that just grabbed me by my very soul and forced me to make it. The whole song along with the story is the video right before this one if anyone wants to know. Thanks again man, you rock! 07-07-12 08:31:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
Isodig ::: Favorites Very cool man. 07-07-12 12:36:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
TomsterMusic ::: Favorites Thanks for checking it out.. you guys are totally helping me get through this. It's such a heartbreaking story... at first I wondered if I should even try to make a video about it. Now I'm glad that I'm at least trying to. Thanks again so much for your interest in this. Tom 07-07-12 13:43:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
celestialsam ::: Favorites I like it very much. 07-08-19 22:16:35 _____________________________________________________ |
Lancer Inside
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Duration: 00:43 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-13 00:44:16 User: geovapc :::: Favorites |
Jodiendo como siempre |
Comments | |
juniorcabba ::: Favorites bien dicelo cuando lo veas 07-08-13 02:27:28 _____________________________________________________ |
Cryme Tyme
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Duration: 01:29 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-27 15:59:08 User: faceless128 :::: Favorites |
Week 4 Cryme Tyme Promo Video - Intensity Training! Looks like homey here is making a withdrawl from his friendly neighborhood ATM, but this fool must be straight buggin' if he thought he was just gonna walk away with a wad of paper like that! |
Comments | |
2Xtremecavalier ::: Favorites Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo pop a 40 and cehck your rollies...its CRYME TYME! Oh snap I know you wanna see that again playa...REMIX! White boy got straight up laid out. 06-11-10 22:51:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
3553 ::: Favorites now i know u wanna see that again player remixx 06-11-18 01:23:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
joerobinson ::: Favorites cryme tyme rule!!! 06-11-20 17:30:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
tna12345 ::: Favorites Cryme Tyme vs Lax dream match 06-11-26 07:25:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
genomeslodier ::: Favorites future World Tag Team Champs! 06-11-27 21:30:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
ee01akk ::: Favorites This kind of stereotype is what is holding the black ppl down in society. 06-12-03 18:31:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
antonito ::: Favorites yeah, so the black people that act like this should stop, it's making the rest look bad. 06-12-27 13:58:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
misskiwiman ::: Favorites its taking the mick out of America's stereotype of black ppl 07-02-03 14:39:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
lizanoj ::: Favorites Yeah thank the capitalistic mind for that, those two black dudes (the actualy actors not the characters of course) cant care less about black people being held down as long as they get paid, hey atleast its not robbing, right? I rather see some poor kid with who is hungry robbing someone to eat its way more ethical than this 2 dudes and all those who keep the stereotype. 07-03-30 15:46:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
miguel7399 ::: Favorites Toby Keith is in the vid (00:00) 07-05-10 06:40:59 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 02:18 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-29 02:20:22 User: zzztv :::: Favorites |
http://mycasty.jp/gourme/html/daily_2007/d_1_2007-07-23.html お笑いやアイドルなどのオリジナル番組を、24時間365日、無料で楽しめる「ライブ動画+掲示板」のインターネットTV! 番組と連動した「掲示板コミュニティ」サービスも展開それがひかり荘 http://casty.jp/hikarisou/ |
Comments | |
GOTSN ::: Favorites ちょい水っぽくないっすか? 07-08-03 01:16:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
CHINAisConqueror ::: Favorites 'zzz tv' suck!! kudaranai desu. 07-08-08 01:25:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
wannyamada ::: Favorites bara bara!!!! suki naiii 07-08-08 21:22:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
kuroko999 ::: Favorites カレーがごはんに染み付かないのがおいしいと思うんです 07-08-10 00:22:24 _____________________________________________________ |
女芸人ン出雲阿国&ピースが「グリーンカレー」をIHで料理 前編
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Duration: 03:53 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-05 03:05:32 User: zzztv :::: Favorites |
夏の料理!女芸人出雲阿国と芸人ピースが「グリーンカレー」を作ります。神保町花月に出演するだけでなく料理も!!http://mycasty.jp/re_ci_pe/index_blog1.html |
Comments | |
daishounin ::: Favorites Cool. 07-08-06 08:40:29 _____________________________________________________ |
Moda na sukces - odcinek 3385 - część 1
Willie The Kid Interview with SpitYoGame.com
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Duration: 06:06 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-20 19:09:37 User: spityogamecom :::: Favorites |
SpitYoGame.com was chillin with Willie the Kid at the Aphilliates studio... Wilie filled us in on whats really poppin with AMG! |
Comments | |
ThakidFromThaA ::: Favorites FEDZ FEDZ DAMN KEEP TAKIN PICTUREZ 07-07-20 20:05:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
1mcsource ::: Favorites the RIAA will own your ass wether you like it or not as soon as you copywrite your music... as they say "get familiar" 07-07-20 21:30:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
1mcsource ::: Favorites damn fitteds look more like clorox bottle caps more and more these days ahahhaaa 07-07-20 21:33:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
repersents ::: Favorites w w w . myspace . com/grillanigga 07-07-20 22:17:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
JAYJAY2P ::: Favorites gangsta grillz lol... u hear her voice 07-07-24 22:41:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
andrebanga ::: Favorites Nigga reppin da 616. dats wats poppin. Gun Ru nigga 07-07-25 14:59:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
alejandra2tulsa ::: Favorites check out MYADULTLOCALS dot COM for the most singles near you 07-08-09 13:49:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
eazy187 ::: Favorites gangsta grizz-illz 07-08-19 17:30:06 _____________________________________________________ |
Touch Down
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Duration: 01:05 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-17 18:15:47 User: jcespinosam :::: Favorites |
Dash 8 Arriving to St. Vincent |
Comments | |
JR4LIFE1130 ::: Favorites This is St. Vincent. Not St. Lucia 07-05-24 21:19:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
jcespinosam ::: Favorites yes, sorry,it's true 07-05-24 21:24:40 _____________________________________________________ |
the SOPRANOS: Final Last Episode Review (we got whacked)
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Duration: 04:33 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-16 04:38:28 User: Irategamer :::: Favorites |
if you watched the series finale of Soprano's, or interested in Final Episodes of TV shows in General, then this video is for you! I explore season finale's of multipe shows and compare them in order to shed some light on a few things. Make sure you understand what happened in the last episode that made everyone upset before watching. (Sorry guys, I took a break from the game reviews and they are coming along shortly!) |
Comments | |
emissaryoftheadams ::: Favorites for me Friends had a bad ending while Frasier had a great ending. thank you also for giving DS9 some cred, one of the best finales ever. 07-08-19 18:10:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
JTC545 ::: Favorites That was the ending to sopranos 07-08-19 18:30:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
cristian9correa ::: Favorites yeah thats how i feel 07-08-19 20:12:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Evoluti0n713 ::: Favorites what? 07-08-19 21:49:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
nathenex ::: Favorites that 70's show had a shitty ending/last season too! 07-08-19 22:24:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
CandyPerson77 ::: Favorites wtf 07-08-19 22:45:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
flutterbeagle ::: Favorites lol! 07-08-19 22:55:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
Spid3rz678 ::: Favorites this is bull shit 07-08-19 23:17:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Bmk87ca ::: Favorites HAHAHA! 07-08-19 23:25:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
KVron ::: Favorites LOL yep you're right! 07-08-20 00:00:58 _____________________________________________________ |
Chichen'Itza nueva Maravilla del Mundo
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Duration: 04:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-09 01:50:52 User: sandrokan972 :::: Favorites |
www.megustacancun.com |
Comments | |
marea0311 ::: Favorites arriba chichen itza y arriba México!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ñ_ñ salu_2 a todo los que votaron! (ñ_ñ) 07-07-10 00:55:25 _____________________________________________________ |
コカコーラ アクエリアスビタミンガード - 相武紗季
La Fiesta de Playa mas grande del Mundo
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Duration: 00:48 minutes Upload Time: 06-08-16 10:57:27 User: sandrokan972 :::: Favorites |
La fiesta de Playa mas Grande del Mundo en Cancun, 12 ago 2006 |