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Duration: 00:17 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-20 07:53:41 User: shuninoh :::: Favorites |
aqui teneis primer golaso de Renatoo.. Viva er Sevilla |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sevilla f.c
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Duration: 01:27 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-01 00:35:49 User: Neotrific :::: Favorites |
extras at beginning |
Comments | |
DiariesOfAMadHalfJap ::: Favorites you guys remind me of the " sound of music family " without all of the singing. :> 07-08-03 10:22:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites If they were making a National Lampoon version of The Sound of Music, we would do well! No one sings well. lol.. 07-08-03 13:47:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
koreamy ::: Favorites Your family is beautiful and so are you. You are so filled with whimsy that is tempered with depth. 07-08-02 13:39:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites Thank you. 07-08-02 17:23:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
DiariesOfAMadHalfJap ::: Favorites aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 07-08-02 12:23:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! LOL 07-08-03 05:08:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
Boh3m3 is a fake
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Duration: 08:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-19 09:01:13 User: Hughsnews :::: Favorites |
*** I am in the battle of the Youtube Nonstars, If you like my videos please go to the link below and post a comment saying "I vote for hughsnews" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy2_kaH6mO8 cheers*** I found out the truth about Boh3m3 and why he has so many hits and subscribers... this is the biggest shock to youtube since LonelyGirl! ***Update- Seeing as many of you are not familiar with sarcasm, THIS IS A JOKE!!! AND I AM NOT BLOODY BRITISH! :-) *** |
Comments | |
SophiaAlejandra ::: Favorites you're stupid. i think thats all i have to say 07-08-19 10:30:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
xXxStickyPoopyxXx ::: Favorites this video is a peice of shit! it fucking sucks! my videos would own this so "HARD" that it wont even be funny! my vidoes are the best! and this shit sucks! all of my 167 vidoes can own anyones vidoes! ESPECIALLY this one! 07-08-15 05:45:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
dracoblaze4 ::: Favorites Nice jamaican accent, but you fool no-one. 07-08-12 08:44:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
kuriosa83 ::: Favorites suuuure you just happened to stumble on the Bang Brothers website. How cum we cant see youre hands on this video?? 07-08-11 01:24:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
purefriction18 ::: Favorites He's funny if you're immature. If you're slightly beyond the maturity of an highschool freshman then you would know his videos are both boring and stupid. 07-08-09 09:33:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
analinvandrer ::: Favorites WHO CARES IF HE IS A PORNSTAR?!?! , Hes funny! 07-08-08 15:53:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
emosevilheart ::: Favorites boh3m3 rocks!! :) 07-08-07 02:16:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
RebRiddle ::: Favorites your kidding Right? Boh3m3 is the Best!! 07-08-04 16:12:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
KevtheGemo ::: Favorites Haha, pretty funny. ;P 07-08-04 04:59:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
bebe0689 ::: Favorites eh was that supposed to be funny? 07-07-30 13:09:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
SkIlLeTfReAk ::: Favorites How do we know that you're not the fake? 07-07-24 11:36:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
Nerfilad ::: Favorites Naaauw... Ur accent are just lovely.. Love Australia . 07-07-14 21:23:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
fighterjetwings ::: Favorites u suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 07-07-11 20:39:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
ChaosP3ngu1n ::: Favorites That's great, he's from florida and so is bangbrothers so he's a pornstar? You know there were terrorists in florida too!! Oh jesus Boh3m3 is a pornstar!!! And how the hell did you find about about bangbus and stuff? Did they just slap that onto the website lol? Good thing you took a shower after said ''research'' !!!! 07-07-06 20:55:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
the7thwreck ::: Favorites this guy is fucking hilarious! dunno if the humour is abit too much for some americans though, LOL! 07-07-05 18:05:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
Ophel ::: Favorites Ahha that was funny. 07-07-04 21:19:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
quelle93 ::: Favorites Lawl 07-07-05 15:00:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxkenixx ::: Favorites wtf god how sad are you?! why expose people. is it purely coz u have nothing better to do?! god u look at a porn site for hours just to tell us boh3m3 is a pornstar. why do we care? there only vids ffs let him do whatever he likes. we let u "expose" people dont we? god...this suxx true if i didnt like it i shouldnt watch but im sorry, i have to its friggen hilarious!! im not gonna say anymore on the matter coz its a waste of my time tbh 07-07-04 16:30:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
murderheid ::: Favorites ive seen bangros' videos , never saw his flabby fat fuck in any films 07-07-02 20:14:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
narutoanimefreak ::: Favorites hahahahahaha wow man your a dumbass hahahhaa your a perv to for "absurving" that prn site for so long 07-06-29 23:43:47 _____________________________________________________ |
Hugh and Mel in the Middle East
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Duration: 14:55 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-26 14:25:17 User: Hughsnews :::: Favorites |
This is my first video in a while. It is my girlfriend and I travelling around the middle east! I hope you enjoy it and please comment like crazy! In it you'll see robbed roman tombs,inside mosques and other wonderful things! ENJOY |
Comments | |
rsslvscff ::: Favorites Hugh, you and Mel should have your own archaeology show on television. Combined with your humor, it would be a pleasure to watch. You could follow Steve Irwin's example. He made learning fun and entertaining. You could show viewers such beautiful places such as Jordan and Cairo. The list would be never ending. 07-06-13 21:40:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
Cazness ::: Favorites man. i am SO jealouse of you. sure i get to travel a lot living in asia... but *sobs* i havent been to greece of the middle east. 07-06-03 21:57:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuperBootsie ::: Favorites You two seem perfect for each other. I think I'm too afraid of being an archaeologist, I'm afraid I'll uncover these old mummified bodies that have, like, a plague that's been inactive for centuries and then I catch it and die. I know, I know, I'm lame. But still, the Middle East looks pretty cool. 07-05-19 23:58:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Aeoric88 ::: Favorites The neolithic went from 8000 bc to mid renaissance.... You aussies are so smart. 07-05-18 21:36:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
Acroteleutium ::: Favorites my friend is going to Jordan on the 22nd of May to do some digging with Harvard students! 07-05-12 17:19:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
Rashisha ::: Favorites ive been there before its beautiful.....i live in kuwait 07-05-12 09:21:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
TipoBarra ::: Favorites your butt isn't as nice as mine! LOL 07-05-03 10:53:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
zoromaskcoming ::: Favorites very nice video, I usually don't see such videos, but your video is really enjoyable and funny. and also congratulation for your safety. middle east is like hell, and yes I m from middle-east and I visited jordan. but not living in ME anymore. 07-03-21 09:31:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
BerlinerOmar ::: Favorites how come you didnt make it to Petra Wadi-rum and Aqaba!! you both have missed sooooo much was that at the dead sea-Kempenski hotel? 07-02-03 19:39:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites We did go there, it is in the Indiana Jone 4 preview movie! We actually went to petra twice! 07-02-04 07:15:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
BerlinerOmar ::: Favorites tnx for da nice video im from Jordan Amman and but live in Berlin. glad u liked my homecountry, btw maniac is originaly Arabic not english or that what i read in a book once! and its not that bad. when youre mad at your friend you could tell him youre maniac and its all accepted 07-02-03 19:34:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
lotrgrl ::: Favorites Wow, your good at bowling. 07-01-27 17:06:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites What makes you say that? 07-01-27 17:44:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
lotrgrl ::: Favorites The fact that you were hitting the pins. I can't even do that. 07-01-28 10:07:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
proudjordanian ::: Favorites LOL dude maniak yeah not a very good word in arabic but hey who said u cant wave with ur left hand thats the first time i hear that i think thats hilarious fuck man i miss jordan! well i left it like a month ago but still lol haha 07-01-16 23:14:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
weeeezzll ::: Favorites Was that Missle Command sounds in the beginning? 07-01-04 19:13:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites WTF? What are you talking about? 07-01-17 01:13:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
weeeezzll ::: Favorites The explosion sound in the beginning that accompanies the count down portion of your video; It sounds exactly like an old Atari video game called Missile Command... Is that where you got the sounds from? Hope the above is a little move coherent than my previous comment... 07-01-17 09:20:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites OHhh no i get the opening song from a band called Plumb... its part of a song of theirs.. I just was like "what missiles??? WTF?" Hth 07-01-17 10:10:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
weeeezzll ::: Favorites heheh ;) 07-01-17 10:15:53 _____________________________________________________ |
Plans for Chocolate City Hit Snag
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Duration: 01:08 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-16 22:47:08 User: bottomlineupfront :::: Favorites |
Remember when Dem. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said New Orleans should be a Chocolate City? Apparently New Orleans Parish prosecutor Eddie Jordan feels the same way. Today his case failed on appeal as the civil rights violation verdict stands. Jordan fired 53 of 77 employees. Of the fired, 42 were white, 1 was Hispanic. They were all replaced by blacks. |
Comments | |
ArcticGarlicX2 ::: Favorites Chocolate Reign? 07-08-24 19:02:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
eugeniecutechickbg ::: Favorites check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams 07-08-22 02:56:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
bottomlineupfront ::: Favorites Chocolate chips Nagin, William Jefferson (and his freezer full of money he rescued in a row boat by passing how many blacks in need??) and Eddie Jordan are perfect examples of why liberals shouldn't be in charge of ANYTHING. They should take a clue from Martin Luther King, JR and concentrate on their character and less on their skin color. 07-08-19 13:28:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
bendingnote ::: Favorites lol. Perhaps the mayor is just upset that all rich 'white' neighberhoods are rebuild and all poor 'black' neighberhoods are still not being renovated and it makes him angry that washington is using catherina to make new orleans a place for the havemores, to change the free open character of new orleans. It wouldnt be necesairy for black people to unite if their old homes were already renovated. 07-08-24 16:55:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
franknyt ::: Favorites And again, distracting you from what is happening underneath your white nose. Start looking into this.. N A U North Amercin Union ( European Union mean anything to you, at all or your to busy hating? ) 07-08-18 21:23:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
klm541 ::: Favorites Bush and Congress have replaced the Constitution with Orwellian powers in preparation for martial law. Google: "070807_timeline_to_tyranny" "The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA CFR Members: B Obama, Romney, H Clinton, Giuliani, McCain, J Edwards, D Rockefeller, Cheney, C Rice, B Clinton, Dodd, Biden, F Thompson CFR = North American Union 07-08-18 20:19:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
hewlee ::: Favorites heary e hear yeee.. fuk yeah.. 07-08-18 20:12:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
468nam ::: Favorites "We will have a World government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by Conquest or Consent." Paul Warburg CFR Council on Foreign Relations Founder CFR Members: B Obama, Romney, H Clinton, Giuliani, McCain, J Edwards, D Rockefeller, Cheney, C Rice, B Clinton, Dodd, Biden, Thompson Google: America: Freedom to Fascism 2hr, Terrorstorm 2h, 9/11 Mysteries 90m, Zeitgeist 2h 07-08-18 18:19:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
Aiursrage2k ::: Favorites The land of chocolate indeed. 07-08-18 18:18:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
jasonlajoie ::: Favorites So I guess the next time New Orleans floods there wont be any marshmallows left floating... 07-08-18 17:05:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
triton609 ::: Favorites Blacks have completely taken over New Orleans. All the white people have left. It's really not that hard to figure out why New Orleans is in the shape that it is.New Orleans will be the United States first "dead city". 07-08-18 16:02:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
pixeldoctor2004 ::: Favorites LA will follow when most of the wealthy people get out, leaving behind a Mexican illegal mess. then see how LA will survive... 07-08-19 15:44:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
midwestcharm ::: Favorites I'm thirsty for some chocolate milk now.... 07-08-18 12:23:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
fishhead06 ::: Favorites Wasn't Nagin talking about MILK chocolate, where you mix cocoa and milk together? No, I'm serious - that was his analogy: that black and white would mix together and form chocolate. 07-08-18 09:55:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
DrZin ::: Favorites No, after he got called on this stupidity, he changed his slick metaphor to "chocolate milk." Funny, before Katrina he would NEVER have said anything so f***ing stupid. He was actually a stand-up guy. Well, his integrity wouldn't be the only thing that the storm blew away. 07-08-18 13:05:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
patsagainstrats ::: Favorites It's a delicious drink. 07-08-18 21:29:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
point1xx ::: Favorites martial law is on its way!!! thanks to karl rove... 07-08-18 07:02:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
point1xx ::: Favorites martial law is on its way!!! thanks to karl rove... 07-08-18 07:02:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
point1xx ::: Favorites martial law is on its way!!! thanks to karl rove... 07-08-18 07:01:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
point1xx ::: Favorites martial law is on its way!!! thanks to karl rove... 07-08-18 07:00:44 _____________________________________________________ |
Hot torch can touch skin without burning it.
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Duration: 02:16 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-28 21:35:46 User: No2Quran929 :::: Favorites |
This chap created new technology to burn itmes and cut with this torch, however it will not burn the human skin. Weird science! |
Re: Gun Control Cannot Be Resolved
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Duration: 03:27 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-21 04:03:37 User: Talljim01 :::: Favorites |
Outlaw guns first, then they will have to outlaw knives etc, well watch the video. |
Comments | |
ytui ::: Favorites while i do not i agree that guns should be outlawed, i do believe that it should become more difficult to purchase guns - both guns used in the virginia tech massacre (which killed 32 people) were legally purchased by cho seung hui due to the fact that the background check performed on him was not as extensive as it should've been - your knife/rock/swimming pool theory is also an egregious exaggeration, so "why don't you use your detective skills to go find osama bin laden or something" 07-08-22 01:07:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
massltca ::: Favorites Yeah really, punish the people who commit crimes not the rest of us for their bad acts. 07-08-16 19:48:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
glawlerx2 ::: Favorites If I want to kill or harm you in any way. I will. What you ban will not matter. I will find a way. 07-08-13 18:54:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
bobmillerbob ::: Favorites Looks like a topic that will be hot forever. If they ban everything, why not just ban life in general. Because nobody would have a life anyway. 07-06-21 16:06:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
yotengomuchosanos ::: Favorites yeah but almost everyone has easy access to a knifes, fingers, sporks, tupperware, ect. and its alot easier to kill someone with a gun than all of the above... you need to be at pretty much an arms length distance and stabstabstab... much harder to kill someone, albeit much scarier(for the person getting killed) but it actually requires some elbow grese and some planning, there are more knee jerk argument deaths because of guns than from knifes and tupperware conainers. 07-06-11 00:39:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
imcanadianeh ::: Favorites you forgot about nail clippers. I don't mind if people own guns, I do think its a little silly for a average citizen to own a fully automatic asaultrifle though, inless your getting attacked by mob. 07-05-27 04:58:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites Oh yes nail clippers. You arent allowed those on a plane anymore. LOL Clip them nails in the airport with disposables. 07-05-27 05:46:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
joesnewboat ::: Favorites we cant have fully automatic assual rifles there illegal ur thinking of semi auto look alikes that only fire one bullet at a time 07-07-10 18:11:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
the8jrfan ::: Favorites "Criminals prefer an unarmed public." Youtube = John Stossel Links Gun Control to Higher Crime Rates Youtube = Gun Myths 07-05-23 20:29:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
steveall ::: Favorites Here in the UK we don't even let the majority of our police have guns, let alone the general public. Oddly enough British society remains in one piece........ 07-05-23 13:59:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
yesitsfast ::: Favorites Funny. I read recently that gun crimes in the UK have been steadily on the rise. They've supposedly risen 242 percent since the mid 90s. 07-05-26 22:30:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
joesnewboat ::: Favorites people dont jus instantly die when they get shot most gunshot wounds are considered minor injuries 07-05-22 02:41:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
Vexx303 ::: Favorites Go shoot yourself...Tell me if it's minor...Because when I shot myself in the leg, the shit wasn't minor...Besides, if you were to stab someone in the face...there's a chance that they wouldnt die, as your skull is pretty damn strong...But with a gun, all you do is pull the trigger, and it's maximum damage, because whether or not your head is gone, or there's a big ass hole in it, you're still dead. 07-05-22 08:04:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
joesnewboat ::: Favorites um look how big the hole would be from a knife compared to a bullet. haha how did u manage to shoot urself in the leg 07-07-10 18:09:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
youngatheartinAZ ::: Favorites haha! I agree with you, Jim. 07-05-22 00:36:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites Yes, I understand where you are coming from. And you make a valid point. It is like a vietnam vet once said, that a 5.56mm bullet was manufactured to take a human life. But i just feel that to outlaw guns would put honest citizens in danger of becoming victims from gun toting criminals. 07-05-21 23:37:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
MikeDamnNobody ::: Favorites Like the cops! 07-05-22 07:09:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
mieses2pieces ::: Favorites Right on Jim! 07-05-21 22:10:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
agentofx ::: Favorites but you said spoons were safe, could ya not just dig it into someones eye socket and pop there eye out? yeh they may not die instantly but they would pass out from the pain and bleed to death, so everyone insted of guns carry spoons! spoons are the future of gang warfair ^_^ 07-05-21 21:10:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
MaximusVelocity ::: Favorites It would be better, and admittedly much harder, to educate people away from using guns, but I guess we'd have to live in some sort of Utopia for that to happen; we can dream... 07-05-21 19:56:03 _____________________________________________________ |
Rise of the Zombies
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Duration: 02:34 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-17 02:02:27 User: Neotrific :::: Favorites |
the threat emerges... |
Comments | |
SerenityFair ::: Favorites lolol Duhya!! 07-06-17 03:12:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites Thanks, Dee-Dee!!! 07-06-19 01:30:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuvivorsFaith ::: Favorites LMAO! Awesome video! 07-06-17 02:24:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites Thank you, Lisa! 07-06-19 01:30:09 _____________________________________________________ |
Esteban y Mariana Bailando Tango Salón - Gran Hermano 5
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Duration: 03:18 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-24 15:16:06 User: LeonMaldonado :::: Favorites |
Esteban y Mariana Bailando Tango Salón Gran Hermano 5 |
Comments | |
labrujitaberta ::: Favorites fueron unos de los mejoress bien por esteban! jaaj pense q iba a ser d madera pero ni ahi... 07-08-25 16:24:03 _____________________________________________________ |
Ensayo Amor 2007 (Arte y Compás)
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Duration: 05:03 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-16 19:31:41 User: jatleti :::: Favorites |
Noche del jueves 15 de marzo de 2007, el Amor ensaya con Lágrimas de Pasión |
Comments | |
estrellademijaen ::: Favorites k arte señores,la marcha es Lagrimas de Pasion y la banda A.M jesus despojado 07-08-17 10:46:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
sevillasiempre ::: Favorites no esta del todo mal pero hay costaleros del costero izq que yo personalmente no se que hacen con los pies esa forma detrabajar tiene que mejorar pero con ilusion todo se aprende y para eso estan los ensayos,yo en mi blog tengo ensayos de mi cofradia de San gonzalo ahi podreis ver algo para guiaros mejor. 07-04-28 05:15:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
Litricostalero ::: Favorites Cómo se llama la marcha que toca la agrupación? Gracias. Un cordial saludo a todos esos costaleros de arte. Ole la gente buena, la gente que sabe y que puede. Ahí queó! 07-04-12 11:35:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Litricostalero ::: Favorites ¿Cómo se llama la marcha que toca la agrupación? Gracias y un cordial saludo a todos esos costaleros de arte...ole la gente buena, la gente que sabe y que puede...Ahí queó! 07-04-12 11:34:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Latvia0606 ::: Favorites Ese ensayo es el más flojo de los que he visto, había gente con la postura incorrecta y el paso flojeando. Me gustó más el anterior 07-03-21 01:13:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
DjECHiZeRo ::: Favorites ole mi cofradia del perdon y ese pedazo paso del amor si es que soys los maquinas del arte 07-03-18 20:42:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
cachorrojaen ::: Favorites aaaam vamos como donde siempre ....aunke por las obras...(aunke no se cmo estan ya k no vivo en jaen). 07-03-18 07:42:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
cachorrojaen ::: Favorites en donde ensayais? 07-03-17 20:51:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
jatleti ::: Favorites ensayábamos en el polígono que hay cerca del campo de futbol, a partir de esta semana ya ensayaremos en jaen por nuestro barrio 07-03-17 22:29:11 _____________________________________________________ |
Um...Uh...Have No Idea
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Duration: 04:26 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-23 13:06:31 User: Neotrific :::: Favorites |
(see above as disclaimer)...rated P for passing gas...and FC for fake coccaine snorting. |
Comments | |
DiariesOfAMadHalfJap ::: Favorites omg.. i totally thought you were farting for real! lol 07-05-23 16:03:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
DiariesOfAMadHalfJap ::: Favorites lol... i feel evil spirits!!! :::waves hands::: lmao!!! Love the Homer Simpson shirt with your sport jacket thingy! :) luv it!!! lol 07-05-23 16:01:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites Homer is my hero!!! 07-05-24 07:55:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
DiariesOfAMadHalfJap ::: Favorites crazy. 07-05-23 16:00:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites Thanks you!! 07-05-23 14:06:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sanwings ::: Favorites OH MY GOSH!!!! I thought I would fall off my chair..YOU are just tooooooooooo much!!!! 07-05-23 14:02:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites Thanks! 07-05-23 14:12:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
kenrg ::: Favorites Funny is as funny does. Dying is easy; comedy is hard. What was the question? 07-05-23 13:49:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites How I can learn to live a mediocre life?? LOL 07-05-23 14:11:37 _____________________________________________________ |
Hiruma - Can't touch me
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Duration: 01:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-16 15:43:38 User: roronoaZorothreeswor :::: Favorites |
A can't touch me fanmade video made by some Eyeshield eps and the Peter Griffin's (from family guy) song, can't touch me. |
Comments | |
Svaro ::: Favorites Hiruma has reached levels of evil and tyranny than Peter Griffin ever will. XD 07-08-24 22:44:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
narutoangelkitty ::: Favorites this song so fits him i love it so much it funny when you see a group of my firends do this before a movie in the movie theater 07-08-12 23:09:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
annehugegirlmi ::: Favorites check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams 07-08-02 11:43:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
338jon ::: Favorites Stupid Spammer 07-08-17 20:55:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
icystarjackie ::: Favorites 5 mOnThZ n cLa!!!!! n nErOL!!!!! 07-07-27 14:42:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
fmaloser626 ::: Favorites LMAO I loved the end with Mamori and Yo-nii. x] 07-07-23 12:07:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
TacticianMark ::: Favorites Good, but I'd say Hiruma is more evil than Peter Griffin... 5/5 07-07-15 14:44:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
KyomiHaru ::: Favorites that was awsome but... oh dear... 07-07-07 00:02:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Develbat ::: Favorites "diplomatic immunity"? you mean total immunity 07-06-28 09:20:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
ivanose ::: Favorites jajajaj xDDD ke bueno 07-06-22 19:28:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jennifertomboy ::: Favorites this is a very cool. I would say 5 out of 5. 07-06-02 19:44:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sangokitten ::: Favorites This is totally out of line, but I did laugh my ass off....so, congrats. 07-05-18 18:32:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
SipTheDew ::: Favorites lmfao love it. 5/5 07-05-17 10:21:02 _____________________________________________________ |
Leads on Bree's Whereabouts
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Duration: 06:56 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-13 04:03:11 User: Talljim01 :::: Favorites |
Checking out a tip on where Bree is. |
Comments | |
sandersspencer ::: Favorites you are a grown up! 07-07-08 05:47:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
thexman98 ::: Favorites really cool, you can give some pointers to the creators who are running out of ideas and are making the series boring... 07-06-18 03:05:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
Gaddian ::: Favorites I like the idea that you are going with. I have one sugestion though. It looked a bit too much like you were running out to place the camera and then running back, and then driving past the camera. Looked a bit chunky. You can avoid that by putting the camera directly on your vehicle, and taking it along for the ride. Makes it smoother transistion. =D Keep it up, I want to see more! 07-06-10 00:41:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
chadlive101 ::: Favorites Wow this is too cool! Im posting these as a series on my page. 07-05-29 21:53:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
mbpearce76 ::: Favorites That was kind of like watching CSI, tracking the footprints and all, ace:) 07-05-13 14:05:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites Thanks, gives me an idea. LOL CSI YT 07-05-13 14:08:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites That is awesome. You are a filmmaker and a half!! Very well done. Jeeze..I need to get outdoors more and make vids. I am going to feature this. 07-05-13 12:13:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites Thanks. lol I am going to make more outdoor videos. It is a lot of fun. 07-05-13 13:33:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
thejakester1 ::: Favorites talljim is her babie`s daddy go find her jim bitch slap them after you find her go kick the door in tall jim they need talljim to save the day lol 07-05-13 09:53:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites lol Yea they need to get me on the cast. 07-05-13 10:03:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
dannysfilms ::: Favorites Great video. I really liked it! I'm gonna make this my Video of the Week. 07-05-13 06:23:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites Thanks. It was fun to make, getting out doors and doing different angles. 07-05-13 09:25:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
Whits1bone ::: Favorites Pretty cool with all the camera angles Jim! Looks like you got your exercise making this one! Somehow I can't see Vince doing any digging though, he is too cool for that! 07-05-13 04:27:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Talljim01 ::: Favorites Yea lol. Vince is the go to guy for information. 07-05-13 04:29:02 _____________________________________________________ |
sophia and bonnie bff
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Duration: 05:43 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-02 22:05:46 User: scukadcikanddie :::: Favorites |
best friends forever |
Comments | |
tazz1418 ::: Favorites YALL BEAUTIFUL 07-08-28 23:20:58 _____________________________________________________ |