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Duration: 03:55 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-12 01:02:02 User: hmhuangh :::: Favorites |
F1的駕駛艙是一個極端嚴苛的工作環境,和最快的高性能跑車相比更是有天壤之別。 所以,車手的體能狀況是整體表現非常重要的一環 - 車和車手。 本周我們與漢米爾頓和他的教練員Adam Costanzo一起談談關於他們的合作關係。 |
Comments | |
Spyker88 ::: Favorites I have to admit, There are very few who are as quick to learn and do well consistently as he does and he knows what he's doing. I will be surprised if he is not world champion by the end of 2007 as well as he's doing. 07-07-17 23:32:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
MagicAyrtonforever ::: Favorites Very nice video, Thankyou. Lewis all the way!! His strength around the pelvis has improved :D I'm just glad I'm not his girlfriend hehe :D 07-06-15 02:27:25 _____________________________________________________ |
Sunday, August 26, 2007
20070610 Formula 1 賽車報料 漢米爾頓與教練
Eric and Jess Talking In HOH Room Part 3
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Duration: 05:41 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-09 13:05:55 User: TommyVercetti001 :::: Favorites |
. |
Comments | |
ExistentiaDementia ::: Favorites wow she's really smart 07-08-10 00:54:53 _____________________________________________________ |
20070427 超級星光大道 藝人合唱指定賽 (4/11)
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Duration: 07:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-29 00:40:22 User: hmhuangh :::: Favorites |
20070427 超級星光大道 藝人合唱指定賽 盧學叡 VS 袁惟仁 合唱 離開我 李宣榕 VS 萬芳 合唱 新不了情 |
Comments | |
kathybti ::: Favorites Lee Xuan-Rong's performance is actually not bad. 07-07-20 20:31:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
tikkibierga ::: Favorites yea. .me too.. but the guyz sang better than the original and that girl 07-06-01 19:43:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
ieatflyingpigs ::: Favorites When the guys sang it, I kinda felt like crying xP 07-08-18 00:46:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
panshel ::: Favorites 現在聽「新不了情」會想起蕭敬騰和楊宗緯. 07-05-30 00:30:13 _____________________________________________________ |
Jake Gyllenhaal - TDAT - Union Ice Factory Interview
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Duration: 03:01 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-06 11:08:50 User: legallyblondechick :::: Favorites |
Jake talks with IFILM about his movie The Day After Tomorrow. |
Comments | |
christahotchickrv ::: Favorites The best college girls on cam @ CAMSUNIVERSITY . COM ! 07-08-09 01:22:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
stemmu ::: Favorites hes sooo damn sexy 07-08-05 11:54:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
cutechick135 ::: Favorites i luv him! he is too hot omg he is always smiling! thanks 4 postin this!xxx 07-07-21 18:40:28 _____________________________________________________ |
Primer Gol Peruano- SUB 17 - KOREA 2007
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Duration: 00:31 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-18 07:39:46 User: paqui2007 :::: Favorites |
Primer gol en el mundial Sub-17 en Korea a Korea del Sur. Gol de Carlos Alonso Bazalar. 18 de Agosto de 2007 |
Comments | |
hund1971 ::: Favorites digan lo que digan arriba PERU CARAJO 07-08-25 17:39:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
cannibalspirit ::: Favorites Hahahaha! Ese gol ha sido casi un "blooper"! Pero bien. Lo que cuenta es el resultado. 07-08-24 13:37:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
chamchikimbab ::: Favorites Tenemos mucho para dar, lo que me ha molestado un poco es que en la television koreana dicen que hemos ganado "por suerte". Hehe amigos koreanos que picones son, el partido ha sido ganado con justicia! 07-08-21 00:23:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
XiomyPlop ::: Favorites bn caraxooo!! tenian q ganar estos chicos ps! faltaba mass!! le dieron una alegría tremenda al perú después del terremoto y toy segura q minimo llegaran a cuartos!! xq nadie los para!! y kien sab si llegan a la final!! si c puede!! adelante chicoss!! 07-08-20 18:13:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
ajsc50 ::: Favorites jaaa parece gol de winin! weeena lorchos a patear a togo!!! y donde estaaan y donde estaaaan esos coreanos ke nos iban a goleaaaaar. manito gracias por poner el gol estoy enitalia y nosabia dode chuchis mirarlo gracias!!! 07-08-20 08:24:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
spawnzed ::: Favorites ta q bravo jajajaja gol es gol carajo no jodan!!! 07-08-20 00:55:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
maantje007 ::: Favorites would you please watch my freestyle video. Type this on youtube search: freestyle actions of ernest Feel free to give your comment.I am still in practice ,I want to become better and better 07-08-19 13:53:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
mym0000 ::: Favorites el grupo que le toco a peru, esta facilisimo !!! estos campeonatos empiezan desde la segunda ronda 07-08-19 12:50:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
peruanoxsiempre ::: Favorites este es la sub 17 no hay equipos faciles... 07-08-19 13:41:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
herbenmanuel ::: Favorites Y para el siguiente partido, ante TOGO, no usar ese uniforme rojo ,porque trae MALA SUERTE 07-08-19 01:09:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
DennisADIDAS ::: Favorites Arriba Perú..... Vamos a Ganar n_n 07-08-18 22:29:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
deavean ::: Favorites como dice falta solo un pokito de definicion pero esta bien, creo q estaban al principio un poko nervioso por su primera vez en un mundial y con nuestra espectativa, arriba peru 07-08-18 21:40:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
canadaboyooo ::: Favorites Good! 07-08-18 20:46:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
chipyto ::: Favorites vamos a ganar esta copa mierda!!!!!!!!! 07-08-18 20:33:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tavo157 ::: Favorites les falta definicion,....tuvieron oportunidades hasta para golearlos............espero que con costarica definan y no pierdan oportunidades......DALE PERU!!! 07-08-18 15:37:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
xinomori ::: Favorites bien ahiii !1 csmakinas vamos por la copa pd el gol mas zorron d la historia pero valeee!! 07-08-18 15:17:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
renyuni ::: Favorites Carajo mi hermano me dijo que el partido sería a las 5 pero no me dijo que sería en la madrugada, me la perdí, sigue así Perú 07-08-18 15:17:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
conhito ::: Favorites vamos carajo! Bazalar eres igual que tu viejo...puro webos! 07-08-18 15:12:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
jesulin15 ::: Favorites ese es mi PERU carajoooooooo, te amo PERU , SIGAN ASI ,,, 07-08-18 14:52:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
danieru1979 ::: Favorites jajaja... q gol mas pendeivis!!! bien ahi ... vamos peru!!!! 07-08-18 14:46:34 _____________________________________________________ |
England vs India 2007 1st Test Day 1 Part 2
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Duration: 06:46 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-19 20:53:12 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
England vs India 2007 1st Test Day 1 |
Comments | |
aniyaenewjersey ::: Favorites Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM 07-08-25 18:32:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
iambigpete ::: Favorites .......yet ENGLAND COULDNT BOWL INDIA OUT.... IN TEH END INDIA WIN SERIES!!! 07-08-11 17:45:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
MPA34 ::: Favorites India looks bad. 07-08-01 22:08:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
SalmanShafi123 ::: Favorites where is the power of stars in indian side thts very bad luck for england tht they didnt won it 07-07-25 12:34:16 _____________________________________________________ |
Jen On The Early Show Part 2
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Duration: 07:22 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-24 12:32:55 User: TommyVercetti001 :::: Favorites |
Part 2 of Jen's interview on the CBS Early Show with Julie Chen. In this part Jen bashes Daniele and tells Julie why she didn't form any alliances in the house. |
Comments | |
bluedog12 ::: Favorites dick has been arrested for spousal abuse and carrying a weapon with a silencer.how they could let a psycho path on the show ill never know 07-08-26 00:16:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuziAdv ::: Favorites That's a load of bunk. The so called 'record' people are spamming around message boards is some one different. CBS does back ground checks on house guests. And besides, if it were true it would be all over The Smoking Gun web site including mug shots. 07-08-26 01:27:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
8394147 ::: Favorites Actually, Jen did destroy some of his cigarettes on a previous occasion but BB didn't reprimand her or say she wasn't allowed to do it. The producers were inconsistent with the rules and they are making the show up as they go along. It's bullshit. 07-08-25 23:47:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
1torontofan ::: Favorites She's hot, I only hope her boobs are real, are they? 07-08-25 22:48:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
MissJew2007 ::: Favorites they are def fake 07-08-26 00:50:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
1torontofan ::: Favorites Oh ok. 07-08-26 00:55:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
thereisnowhy ::: Favorites julie chen is a white washed slant eyed bitch piece of shit 07-08-25 22:40:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
Yasuno1 ::: Favorites Jen was the best player in big brother....what makes you think Dick will win so far the 2 people that are in the jury house dont like him so he doesnt stand a chance for now. 07-08-25 22:33:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
4dvil ::: Favorites what a babe! 07-08-25 22:29:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
pimpmypc ::: Favorites It's not fair what Jen went through...anyone who embraces Dick, even if he's "entertaining" is an careless idiot....even though Jen may not be the greatest person, she never instigated or physically/verbally abused Dick to anywhere near the extent that Dick was, and was obviously uncomfortable in doing so when she did. 07-08-25 20:21:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
gardevoir94 ::: Favorites SERIOUSLY! he is so mean! she doesnt deserve that! i wish she stayed 07-08-25 22:26:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
NamesNeverHurtMe ::: Favorites So Dick is cruel when her calls Jen names but you can call names...you are as big an idiot as you call the above poster. And I will agree you are sorry. 07-08-25 20:04:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
nickjon16 ::: Favorites lol. Jen talks like her nose is all stuffed up. that just annoys me... 07-08-25 19:55:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
NamesNeverHurtMe ::: Favorites The only real person here. At least you are honest. She is good at one thing and that is paying her plastic surgeon! 07-08-25 19:40:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
NamesNeverHurtMe ::: Favorites Hello...most BB fans refer to Amber as WAAAAAAmber so they do make a big deal about it. So my question is it why do they not make a big deal about Jen's cheating when she is holier than thou about other cheaters...by the way she only disliked Dani cheating when Dani opposed her...and when she got jealous because Nick (who is discusting) did not want her. Be fair, they all have their faults and none have the right to feel better than the next, even this one. 07-08-25 19:37:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
NamesNeverHurtMe ::: Favorites She is such a hypocrite, she cheated by eating. She did lie on the feeds and on more than 1 occasion, just like the others she preaches about. Those that watch without bias towards any of the reality actors know this to be true. 07-08-25 19:30:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
NamesNeverHurtMe ::: Favorites She says she likes Dani (who is no better) & she, "um, thinks ur um, like a really good person" & within 2 min(2 Dani) "Um I really think you have no morals and I only like people with morals" That was cuz Dani did not buy her @ss kissin What is she good at, um showing as much skin as possible & having a good plastic surgeon? Most of U love her for the same shallow reasons she loves herself 07-08-25 19:30:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
iHeartCharmed ::: Favorites i love her! 07-08-25 19:03:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
ivanabc360 ::: Favorites and daniele uses "it's sooo furstratiiiing" among other annoying sayings of her!! and dick uses: c@nt, b¡tch, sl#t among his variety of words!!! i think like and i don't know, aren't as bad as those!! 07-08-25 18:12:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
ivanabc360 ::: Favorites i totally agree, it's such BS!!! JEN RULES! 07-08-25 18:08:38 _____________________________________________________ |
Inzamam and Yousuf 3 Sixes
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Duration: 00:57 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-08 18:27:20 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Inzamam and Yousuf 3 Sixes |
Comments | |
musicindus1 ::: Favorites inzi and yousaf...dont ask... pillar of pakistan 07-06-06 13:06:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Garlicfazeel ::: Favorites kutay hindu inzi is one of the best players in the world 07-01-25 10:15:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
abd786 ::: Favorites inzi is the worlds best bats men 07-08-15 09:27:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Henry100001 ::: Favorites inzaman's nothing but a fat, ball tampering shit carter 07-01-17 22:36:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
ednan9 ::: Favorites This is a stupid video and the comments are pathetic. I much rather see a video of brotherhood between indians and pakistani, may be a video and a song that promotes our victory and brotherhood. After all we are same people, no matter what the fundamentalist say. This is by person who lives in US of pakistani origin and indian migrant parents 07-01-14 22:29:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
GameOvais ::: Favorites Do you know what I love about Mohammed Yousuf's batting? His timing, right now in world cricket Ponting is the best batsman, but no one, no one at all can touch the ball and hit 6s like Yousuf. Such a glorious player to watch. 07-01-05 05:04:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
GameOvais ::: Favorites What an incredible timer of the ball Yousuf is, a terrific player to watch he is in top form. 06-11-02 05:27:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
hassaniqbal123 ::: Favorites one dayers pakistyan has won more than india 06-10-23 15:03:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
ahsan17 ::: Favorites not just one dayers, but tests also. 06-10-29 02:54:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
servant2000 ::: Favorites lol ! india won this match by 5 runs, and i believe india even won this series by a 3-2. 06-10-16 14:17:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
GameOvais ::: Favorites What are the overall stats between India and Pakistan? I believe Pakistan have won more ODI and Test matches than India and I also believe Pakistan have beaten India more times in India than India have. 06-10-26 05:49:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
servant2000 ::: Favorites Yes, Pak has won way more matches than india.. i know it I was only referring to this tournament :D 06-10-26 10:36:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
GameOvais ::: Favorites Then in future keep it clean, we all know what you meant when you wrote lol, why bring India into the picture anyway, we are celebrating Yousuf's batting not India's bowling. 06-10-26 10:43:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
servant2000 ::: Favorites Strange :S. @'keep it clean'..what part of my coment did you find not clean. @'we all know what you meant' -> no you didn't. you mis-understood me for no reason, which is probably why i see a lot of indo-pak bashing all around (no offense). just read my comments again, and read ur responses, and judge yourself the way you reacted to my commetns for no reason. I only mentioned the stat of this match and this tournament.. FYI: I am a pakistani supporter ! 06-10-26 10:51:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
afzalmemon7 ::: Favorites didnt you notice the indian score in the clip? :) 06-10-16 01:10:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
efihussain ::: Favorites i like it. 06-12-05 13:35:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
pakpaki ::: Favorites we scored 2x 600 runs in the recent tests, not to forget that Karachi murder of india's "Celebrated" batting line-up! Did you notice that pakistan made 344 aswell in the same match!, what about the 4-2 defeat in your own back yard, were apparently you are untouchable! and never to forget your Brutal maar khana outside asia! Muslims are terrorists in one thing, and that is to terrorise indian cricket with the likes of Afridi, Akhtar, Inzy, MoYo, Yk, Kamakazi, Asif, Dani,Razzler, Rana. 07-01-04 06:59:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
fist444 ::: Favorites Pakistan Zindabad 06-10-09 21:24:14 _____________________________________________________ |
Sehwag Hits A Six Over the Bowlers Head
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Duration: 00:30 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-21 22:45:48 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Sehwag Hits A Six Over the Bowlers Head |
F4: Rise of the Silver Surfer - Doom Gets the Surfer's Board
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Duration: 03:23 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-20 16:16:16 User: Anwarrior :::: Favorites |
The wicked scene from Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer where Dr. Victor Von ''Doom'' takes the Surfer's board for himself, along with it's powers. Doom also kills General Hager in this scene. DVD quality. |
Comments | |
igloodude11 ::: Favorites lol, in all of the other marvel movies the villains have a reason to wear a costume. i guess for doom he just keeps thinking "hey, i would look so evil in that" 07-08-22 11:41:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Hahaha lol, true. 07-08-22 16:34:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
TanThePrince ::: Favorites Thanks 4 uploading dis. 07-08-21 07:39:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Don't worry bro. 07-08-21 10:09:28 _____________________________________________________ |
Inzamam Out Obstructing the field Cricket
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Duration: 02:09 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-04 14:25:48 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Inzamam Out Obstructing the field Cricket |
Comments | |
fabastonmartinoneill ::: Favorites FAT BASTARD 07-06-09 15:10:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
ace666999 ::: Favorites looool omdz i cant beleive that happened lol inzi man hes such a joker stopping the fields men lol and prteneding nothings happened 07-03-26 13:08:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
goonerdotcom ::: Favorites cricket is a game that's to be played by gentlemen .... you don't appeal for shit like that .... shame on the Indian's for this instant. yuk, yuk, yuk .... 07-03-25 21:48:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
muziklover4life ::: Favorites if its in the rules, i think its perfectly fine to appeal for stuff like this...if everyone thinks things like this are "shit", why is it in the rules? 07-06-12 11:32:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
bhatia26 ::: Favorites look inzy is pathetic, and that was some bullshit of him. i mean, wtf india wud have got him out and n e way it wuz n appeal. Nice Vid n e way 07-03-17 02:21:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
aamirk2 ::: Favorites tht was a perfect decision and inzi nice defending.hahahahaha 07-03-13 13:51:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
reebok67 ::: Favorites i dun thing inzammam shouldve been out i mean a guy is supposed to defend himself if and only if the ball is coming at his body...inzamamam is big but i am pretty sure he would ve gotten canned by that ball. so yuh it would ve been best if india shouldnt ve appealed 07-03-03 15:44:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
sheehan868 ::: Favorites am a west indian and i think thats not out if the bowler cud throw the ball at u or (stumps ... u might as well be albe to defend it 07-01-10 15:05:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
smartyjones2004 ::: Favorites Mister wannabe 007, its called an "appeal"... why don't you go look that up in the dictionary... and also look up the word "moaning"... I think you got your vocabulary mixed up here. 06-12-29 13:44:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
razawaqas007 ::: Favorites indian losers jus keep on moneing. 06-12-21 18:18:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
goldking12 ::: Favorites You fucking asshole, Listen. Inzi made a mistake and he's out. That's it. Stop talking fucking shit. Thank you. 07-02-15 14:12:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
NuclearPyro ::: Favorites LMFAO. "i dont understand dis rule" 06-11-22 15:34:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
GameOvais ::: Favorites India stooping to a low level, very shallow of them. He is out, but you don't appeal for stuff like that. 06-11-09 08:49:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
FaKeID3NTiTy ::: Favorites i bet if one of ours did that, u fuckers would make thousands of video and would talk shit. and i donn know if u watched the whole series cause in 3 rd one malik kicked the ball when he was about to be run out and we didn appeal, fuck we still won! u guys aint but cheaters! now go home n put your hands up. fucker 06-11-16 14:07:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
GameOvais ::: Favorites What Malik did was pathetic as well. Tell me what the records between Pakistan and India are, who has won more matches? I think you'll find that Pakistan own India. 06-11-17 07:01:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
FaKeID3NTiTy ::: Favorites LOL! who is talkin' about records. let's compare recent series. paki got thrashed 4-1. let's compare where you pakis still have to register a win against ind. let's see which indian bowler got banned for using drugs to bowl faster! well, i can go on and on with these stats. and u pakis need to find some good stats. all u can say in the end that u guys won more matches than us. well. MORON! we have done a hell of a lot better than u beggers. 06-11-17 23:34:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
RampagingRupert ::: Favorites why not? he's an idiot for doing it. 06-12-02 19:53:46 _____________________________________________________ |
愛犬たちの何気ない風景 (MOL00E_M.3GP)
The Love Boat
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Duration: 02:44 minutes Upload Time: 06-04-19 09:55:16 User: puntadeleste :::: Favorites |
TV Opening |
Comments | |
Diviknowo307 ::: Favorites This movie is awesome.. you can get the uncensored version on <B> _SUNNYFIRE.NET_ </B> -Diviknowo307 07-08-22 03:16:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
gordonsolie1 ::: Favorites Smile Hallston. You look like an axe murderer. 07-08-23 22:11:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mickeyfann ::: Favorites Halston is/was a designer...not sure whether he's still alive or not. Lot of guest stars on that episode. 07-08-17 03:12:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
leetonia ::: Favorites Elke Sommers and McLean Stevenson? My God, this has to be an Emmy Winning Episode! 07-08-16 21:40:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
dnowitzki ::: Favorites who the freak is halston?? like Madonna or something?? 07-08-16 13:51:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
CaterpillarOperator ::: Favorites Tuve la fortuna de ver arribar durante muchas tardes a la puesta del sol al Puerto de Ensenada B.C.N. México al gran crucero Pacific Princess a nuestro puerto a finales de los 70's y principio de los 80's, una inolvidable serie y un gran tema musical. 07-08-15 15:16:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
osotoron ::: Favorites Las muchas aguas no podrán apagar el amor, ni lo ahogarán los ríos 07-08-13 13:25:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
ErikaSerrato ::: Favorites My aunt from my moms side is jill whelan. no lie. she looks so little! 07-08-13 12:56:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
Cormier6083 ::: Favorites It's nothing but old people making love... 07-08-03 17:09:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
drawbar888 ::: Favorites christ, your comment made me laugh. nice one. 07-08-06 19:29:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
permalink ::: Favorites please don't pronounce GOD'S Name in vain . it's one of the ten commandments. 07-08-08 14:55:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
drawbar888 ::: Favorites Uh huh. My sweet christ, that love boat is HOT! 07-08-08 18:18:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
fito65 ::: Favorites Very good tv series. I`m mexican and met Pacific Princess in Mazatlan 23 yeras ago. 07-08-01 23:01:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
oceanliner5 ::: Favorites i love the love boat 07-08-01 22:09:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
feggesvensk ::: Favorites fAg 07-07-28 17:10:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
angelsofthesea ::: Favorites oh wow......... i just love that marvelous voice of jack jones..... so cool and soooo romantic...! thanks for posting this. it brings back lots of happy memories. 07-07-27 12:45:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
luigi562 ::: Favorites Loved this one, watched it every night with my parents right before Fantasy Island 07-07-26 18:45:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
Flash4ever2007 ::: Favorites Thanks for bringing back those memories,If I could buy those episodes,I would ! Such noncomplicated time,such wonderful time ! I really enjoyed it ! 07-07-25 17:01:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
wayumveme ::: Favorites one of the greatest shows of all time!! 07-07-23 05:26:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Alessio2468 ::: Favorites wow!nostalgia..... 07-07-20 21:48:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Australia vs South Africa World Cup 99 Semi-Final Part 3
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Duration: 05:13 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-09 00:01:53 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Australia vs South Africa World Cup 99 Semi-Final Part 3 |
Comments | |
1137moiz ::: Favorites hah, donald's mistake saved reiffel's life. 07-06-23 11:54:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
jaspreet112233 ::: Favorites did you saw klusener 1st short of fleming final over. fleming couldnt belive how he hit four on a yorker delivery 07-06-27 10:34:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
jaketepaa ::: Favorites anyone no where i can get these highlights with sound on youtube? if u no can u plzzz tell me? thanks 07-04-09 04:47:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
teamnimrod ::: Favorites rubbish without sound 07-04-03 05:57:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
davedavid86 ::: Favorites oh lord where's the sound?? i'm not deaf am i no.. i am not.. 07-04-03 04:55:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
blueoceansurff ::: Favorites omg, gosh Donald duck is dreaming, a kid would have run that single. please lord, I beg you, do not let them to fix matches. 07-03-21 09:05:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
intelligentdesigner ::: Favorites Ack. Ack. Ack. Is that the sound of South Africa choking? 07-03-20 17:43:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
thejanwitha ::: Favorites was this match fixed????it was so dum for him to run like that i mean there was no run and look at the way he ran to to the pavilion as if he knew the result earlier. 07-03-07 09:57:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
goldking12 ::: Favorites Honestly, what the f**k was Donald doing. That was not that risky. He could have just run. Instead, he just turned back completely and held his crease. And he dropped the bat and tried to run later. Lol. Donald is just a arrogant snob though he is legend in bowling. He lost the match. No Klusener. 07-03-05 03:01:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
ytfishy ::: Favorites some one should load this up with commentary, this kind of sucks without it 07-01-31 12:03:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
owneroftears ::: Favorites wow man he waz gready to run for a singleee southafrica couldvee won datt man 4 ballz leftt y he ran stupid! 06-12-27 21:53:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
benny1822 ::: Favorites amazing 06-12-21 19:57:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
a2b4c6d8 ::: Favorites Theres no sound here 06-11-24 11:12:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lubbles ::: Favorites no way. paul reiffel dropped 3 catches in the innings?? 06-11-08 16:20:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
MahbubBD ::: Favorites yeah, and actually he fisted one of those over the boundary to turn an obvious '4' into a '6' :-) 07-02-03 04:32:23 _____________________________________________________ |
20070817 第二季 超級星光大道 拿手歌曲PK賽 下集 (5/10)
Naruto Shippuden Episode 23 Part 1/2 English Subbed
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Duration: 10:01 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-03 11:23:50 User: BlackholeG :::: Favorites |
Naruto Shippuden Episode 23 Part 1/2 English Subbed |
Comments | |
Kimmiko600 ::: Favorites ...poor Sasori... 07-08-18 17:15:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
doomsniper ::: Favorites sasori is hawt >.< 07-08-10 08:21:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
bear290 ::: Favorites can u upload episode 25 aswell 07-08-10 07:45:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
PinkPheonixs ::: Favorites XD Sasoris really similar to gaara 07-08-09 09:04:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
dwizard2009 ::: Favorites Kakashi's father killed Sasori's Parents. 07-08-08 22:42:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
hinataxlovexnaruto ::: Favorites O.O 07-08-26 00:33:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
JohnMichaelBuBBa ::: Favorites lol everyone in the sand village has problemes with there lives 07-08-08 19:25:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
DemonKingDuzzel ::: Favorites Not every 1 >_>.... like... ebiyo? 07-08-26 00:32:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
niceboy6666 ::: Favorites there hair is brown not red it just looks red its brown. 07-08-08 13:45:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Embasaurus ::: Favorites white fang. ha kakashi's dad was mean. i want them to show him 07-08-05 06:00:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
hinataxlovexnaruto ::: Favorites i know hahaha 07-08-26 00:33:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
hyuuga1227 ::: Favorites cool 07-08-04 21:50:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
bhayate123 ::: Favorites redhead orphan town!!! 07-08-04 20:22:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
megawierdo ::: Favorites lol 07-08-12 05:23:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxxmyumyuxxx ::: Favorites @ 3:44... did you see his face? CUTTEE >.< 07-08-04 05:18:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
ultradeath76 ::: Favorites ^^^ and have some sad ass storie of how there parents died....everything seems alitte sappy :P still think it's cool tho lol 07-08-04 01:30:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Yukaze ::: Favorites why is everyone an orphan? 07-08-03 23:44:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
hinataxlovexnaruto ::: Favorites i know!! its starting to get really annoying O.O 07-08-26 00:34:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
BboyWonTonSoup ::: Favorites thanks for uploadings!! 07-08-03 23:00:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
socrates2468 ::: Favorites third awlsome 07-08-03 20:02:14 _____________________________________________________ |