Monday, August 13, 2007

Mitt Romney Tent

Duration: 56 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-11 15:35:35
User: EmergencyCheese
:::: Favorites

In and around the massive Mitt Romney area at the Iowa Straw Poll.

JoeySnowman ::: Favorites
Congratulations for doing a great job in the straw poll, Romney fans! moveoverdotorg I loved your video on the ronpaulspammers. Priceless!
07-08-11 22:00:12
machphantom ::: Favorites
All that means is that 91.9% didn't google his name before they came to IA. I can't wait till NH, cause 9.1% is a very strong number to start with, esp. with his cash on hand.
07-08-11 22:07:36
Luckyjat ::: Favorites
I love the end "mitt romney of course stands for things like farming, windmill, ice cream, balloons of some kind, and the american flag." Amazing! He's got my vote!
07-08-11 22:54:14
klm541 ::: Favorites
Iowa Straw Poll Faulty voting Machines. Princeton University finds Diebold electronic voting machines, like those used at Iowa Straw Poll and around the country, easily Hacked for fraudulent results. youtube(dot)com/watch?v=8JESZiLpBLE youtube(dot)com/watch?v=lwWP-N1HqT0 "Votes mean nothing; counting them means everything" -- Joseph Stalin
07-08-11 23:28:29
bjalder26 ::: Favorites
moveoverdotorg, there is a measure of unorganized amorphous-its youtube spam. Ron Paul wins in a landslide.
07-08-12 01:52:42
GameGeek1996 ::: Favorites
Hey guys this is great news and a great victory for Paul. Romney must have spent 500-1200 a vote where Paul probably spent less then 30 a vote since some Romney voters voted for Paul and the others on Romney's dime. We are going to win. Waved signs yesterday in Conroe TX and went to a meetup it was great. When you can have a rabid far left liberal, a crazy Rigth wing fanatic, and a middle of the road financial moderate in one room all agreeing on Ron Paul.
07-08-12 08:51:11
BusPeople ::: Favorites
I think you answered your own question
07-08-12 08:58:13
Adelaide1200 ::: Favorites
The Romney campaign was clearly disappointed withe the voter turn out and final percentage win. The money spent did garner the support given.
07-08-12 09:09:40
plc1 ::: Favorites
Article on Mitt: w w w .counterpunch. org/fantina08112007. html
07-08-12 14:42:18
y2knoproblem ::: Favorites
A good 18 months out, who is really paying attention.
07-08-12 17:10:05

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